bsrndr / MVCFoodShop

A hamburger sales website has been created using ASP.NET Core MVC Identity technology.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Food Ordering Website

A food ordering site developed using MVC, Entity Framework, SQL Server, C#, Javascript, AJAX, CSS, Bootstrap, HTML and Identity. The user can log in to the system by registering. The user can order and buy the available menus or foods by adding them to the shopping cart. User can update their information and view their past orders in the system. Admin can add, delete or edit new menus and products by logging into the system.

  • Project developed with MVC ASP.NET Core 6, Identity and Code-First approach.
  • Language : C# , Javascript
  • Database : MS SQL Server
  • ORM Tool : Entity Framework Core
  • Front-End : CSS, Bootstrap, AJAX, HTML

Website working video

Watch the video


The home page that welcomes the user. On this page, the user can view general information and learn about some menus.

About Us

The about us page with information about the company. On this page, the user can learn about the company. AboutUs


In the contact page, the user can access the company contact information and, if the user wants, can send an e-mail to the company.


There is a bootstrap offcanvas structure created for the user to login. Thanks to this structure, the user can log in from the window on the right by pressing the login button in the nav section of all pages.


User registration page. The user enters the site automatically after registering by entering the required information.

Prodcut (User)

The user can view all the products on the product page. The user can select the desired products and add them to his shopping cart. The user can view the products he added to his cart by hovering over the shopping cart icon in the mouse nav bar. The user can go to the payment screen by clicking the view card button in the shopping cart window.

Prodcut – Add Menu (User)

The window where the user makes menu selections while adding a menu to his shopping cart on the product page. The bootstrap modal structure was used for this window.

Prodcut (Admin)

On this page, the admin can view, edit and delete products and menus.

Prodcut – New Menu (Admin)

In this window on the product page, the admin can create a new menu.

Prodcut – New Prodcut (Admin)

In this window on the product page, the admin can create a new product.


The user can log out or go to the profile page by clicking on the user's name in the navbar. In this section, they can view their own information and past orders. If the user wants, user can update user’s information from the options on the left. Profile

Profile – Profile Settings

The user can update and view the user information in this window.

Profil – Change Password

The user can change the user password in this window.

Profil – Adress

The user can change the address information in this window.


A hamburger sales website has been created using ASP.NET Core MVC Identity technology.


Language:C# 40.3%Language:HTML 31.9%Language:CSS 17.2%Language:JavaScript 10.6%