bsmeding / ansible_role_gitlab_ce_docker

Run Gitlab CE in docker container

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

GitLab CE

Root password

If not set via ENV GITLAB_ROOT_PASSWORD or via gitlab_rails['initial_root_password'] setting in gitlab.rb: After first run, the root password can be retreived from container at location /etc/gitlab/initial_root_password Only first 24 hour after creation this file will be there!

To retreive:

  • login to the host
  • login to container: docker exec -it gitlab /bin/bash
  • execute command: cat /etc/gitlab/initial_root_password

todo :

test without auto user generation (create users ad OS and map /etc/passwd file to container)

Disable signup

Manually turn off sign up see

LDAP Support

When enabling / setting the variables gitlab__ldap_server_host_ip and gitlab__ldap_server_host_port LDAP support is enabled

  • gitlab__ldap_search_users: Set user base search path
  • gitlab__ldap_search_groups: not implemented yet
  • gitlab__ldap_auth_bind_dn: User to BIND to the LDAP server (minimal access, only to authenticate and run search query)
  • gitlab__ldap_auth_bind_pass: Password of the user
  • gitlab__ldap_user_filter: What group must the users be member of to allow access

Microsoft Active Directory

If you have MS AD, then the variable gitlab__ldap_is_ad to true and set user_search (when used) with prefix: (memberOf:1.2.840.113556.1.4.194:=CN=.... instead of (memberOf=CN=.....)


Please not that by default when the gitlab.rb file is created, it will not be overwritten. So when doing manual changes it will not be reset by a following plyabook run. Only when changing variables that exists in the template, like LDAP etc, please be aware that updates/changes are not reflected


To copy SSL certificates for Gitlab and/or for the docker registery service, place the cert files in ./files/certs/* (if directory does not exist, create directory) and add the cert filenames to the playbook:

gitlab__ssl_cert_file: ''
gitlab__ssl_cert_key_file: ''
# optional:
gitlab__registery_ssl_cert_file: ''
gitlab__registery_ssl_cert_key_file: 'registery.example.key'

SSL Trusted root certificates

To add trusted certificates, place the certificate files in ./files/certs/trusted-certs/ to copy them over to the host


Run Gitlab CE in docker container


Language:Jinja 100.0%