bslatkin / heartbeat

Timeseries monitoring API built on

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Timeseries monitoring API built on

Randall Leeds:
Brett Slatkin:

Actual demo:

Similar to in how data points are reported.

Time series format:
    n: 1234,           // The numerator of the data point
    d: 3,              // The denominator of the data point
    p: 10,             // The period, in seconds that the datapoint represents
    v: {               // Multi-dimensional labels attached to the datapoint
        key: value,    // Key/value pair of labels, string -> string

Numerator is required. Everything else is optional.

About multi-dimensional labels:
- This is how you can slice/dice/segment the data at read time. For example, say you're reporting timeseries data on website traffic. You could have {country: "US"} or {country: "UK"} as a set of labels. Then your graphing could let you show either of the different countries or together as a stacked chart.
- You can go really deep with this if you use N labels, arbitrarily regrouping the data on a whole bunch of criteria. For example, say you are graphing exceptions. You could have {exception: "MyError", source: "client", "library": boostrap", customer_type: "Pro"} as a datapoint. You could roll up all exceptions. You could roll up all client-side exceptions. You could show all exceptions both client and server side that involved your paying Pro customers, etc.
- Don't hurt yourself with too many dimensions!

- Owner: Create a new stream that you can read and everyone else can write
- Browser writer: JS client for posting time series unauthorized to; could include things like unhandled exceptions in JavaScript.
- Server writer: Logging-tie for Python, etc, that pushes logging.exceptions up to the log stream
- Server converter: Converts the time series into data that's readable by other services, like Graphite
- Browser reader: JS client for reading time series data and presenting it as a rolled-up set of deltas


Timeseries monitoring API built on

License:Apache License 2.0