bschlaman / ml-exploration

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The purpose of this repository is to hold test files and POCs as I learn about Machine Learning.

Notes on perceptron convergence proof

  • the proof uses the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, an old friend from college. It would be very useful to learn this again, in a few different contexts!

Helpful concepts

  • Bayes optimal classifier
  • In some sense, all of ML aims to estimate the distribution P(X,Y)
    • Generative learning: estimate P(X,Y) = P(X|Y)P(Y)
    • Discriminative learning: only estimate P(Y|X) directly (most approaches today are discriminative)
    • note that if I know P(Y|X), prediction is trivial. Simply input X, and test Y to find max(P(Y|X))
  • Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE): θ_MLE=argmaxθ[P(D;θ)]
  • Maximum a Posteriori Probability Estimation (MAP): θ_MAP=argmaxθ[P(θ∣D)]
  • Beyesian vs frequentist statistics
  • Naive Bayes (argmax_y[P(y)sum(log(P(x_α|y)))])
    • especially useful in instances where the dimensions of the feature are truly independent, like when there is a causal relationship between the label and feature components. For example, symptoms which are caused by the label y which is having the disease or not.
    • P(X|Y) = Π_α(P(x_α|Y)) is an overestimation in the case where P(x_1|x_2) is low. P(email is spam | occurance of word Nigeria) is high; P(email is spam | occurance of word viagra) is high; P(email is spam | occurance of word Nigeria & viagara) is low

Categories of Machine Learning

  • Supervised
    • classification
    • regression
  • Unsupervised
    • dimensionality reduction
    • clustering
  • Reinforcement learning (interactions between an agent and its environment)

Some notational stuff

  • | vs ;
    • | notates the classical conditional probability density
    • P(x;θ) notates fixed properties θ of a function; think of it like the settings or (more formally) the parameters of P(x;θ). It's as if we've created a new function g(x); i.e. x is not contingent upon θ
    • Frequentest vs. Bayesian (P(D;θ) vs P(D|θ)): Frequentists say θ is a parameter without an event or sample space or distribution P(θ); i.e. θ is not associated with an outcome. Bayesians disagree, saying it is indeed a random variable that can be conditioned upon. Bayesians include a prior belief about what P(θ) should be
    • the beauty of Beyesian stats: θ being a random variable means we can integrate over it (integrate over all possible models) to obtain a model independent formula for P(x|D)

Summary of MLE vs MAP

  • Say we have data set D drawn from distribution P D ~ P(x,y), say we have n draws of our training data
  • We do not know P, otherwise we could use the trivial Bayes Optimal Classifier and know we can't do any better with a prediction
  • So we estimate P with a distribution we understand, say P_θ with parameters θ. There are two methods to do this, MLE & MAP
    • MLE maximizes the likelihood of getting the data we observed: θ^MLE=argmaxθP(D;θ)
    • MAP says given that we observed the data, what is the most likely θ: θ^MLE=argmaxθP(D;θ). There is no sample space for θ, but that shouldn't stop us from finding the Prior Distribution P(θ). P(y|X=x) = ∫_θ P(y|θ)P(θ|D)dθ

Continuous features (as opposed to categorical)

In the case of data with continuous features, a decent estimator for the probability distribution of a particular feature may be a gaussian distribution with parameters μ and σ^2. These parameters can be calculated easily (see 33:50 in Lecture 10) from the data set for use in MLE. The analog for categorial features is parameter θ in a binomial or multinomial distribution.

Logistic Algorithm

The key difference between naive Bayes and the Perceptron is that naive Bayes first models the data and then throws it out, operating only off of the distributions P(X|Y). Perceptron performs repeated calculation on the data itself. Naive Bayes is also a linear classifier, both in the case of multinomial and gausian distributions. Demo idea: take a generic data set and an interface for a linear classifier and make the two algorithms compete. The Logistic Algorithm is the discriminative counterpart to Naive Bayes. Instead of estimating the distributions, estimate (w, b) directly. Start with the assumption that P(Y|X) = 1/(1+e^(wTx)), and use MLE to find the parameters (w, b). -> argmax[w,b]ΠiP(yi|x;w,b)

Naive Bayes works well when you have very few data points, because you bring a gaussian assumption to the model to reduce the hyperplane search space. When you have many data points, logistic regression is preferable. (lec 12 min 7)

When executing a logistic regression, gradient descent with ADAGRAD moves loss minimization in the right direction, and then newtons method (approximate the fn with a parabola which is minimized) quickly converges. Newtons method can also diverge rapidly, so it's best to start with gradient descent (lec 13 min 5).

Ideally, we would minimize the 0-1 loss: the number of training data points we missclassify - but that is not continuous or differentiable.

Linear Regression

Some terminology:

  • Logistic regression is a classification algorithm
  • Linear regression is a regression algorithm

Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) y_i = wTx_i + ϵ_i, ϵ_i ~ N(0, σ^2)

Real world problem

Problem statement

Given the words in the title of one of my todo app stories, classify it as belonging to one of my tags. Y ∈ {work, chess engine, music practice, todo app, life, research} P(Y = work task | X = "draft design doc for API")

I want to build a framework that tries out the 3 classifiers I know about so far

  • k-nearest-neighbors
  • Perceptron
  • Naive Bayes


  • common interface
  • should allow for smoothing
  • in the case of perceptron, catch an infinite loop

KNN results (next try sharding the dataset)

k = 3 5250 6959 0.7544187383244719

k = 5 5351 6959 0.7689323178617617

k = 4 with tiebreaker constant_classifier 5411 6959 0.7775542462997557

k = 6 with tiebreaker constant_classifier 5424 6959 0.7794223307946544

k = 111 5347 6959 0.7683575226325622

NB results 5489 6959 0.7887627532691479



Language:Jupyter Notebook 68.1%Language:Python 31.9%