bsandrow / hacks

misc utility scripts that I've hacked together

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Just a wget wrapper for downloading all links that have a particular suffix or match a particular pattern. It just passes the first argument verbatim to the -A option of wget and everything after that is appended to the wget command (after all of the options that I'm turning on by default, of course). So you would normally call it like this:

wget-files .pdf ""

And it would download all of the .pdf files linked to from the frontpage into the current directory.


Uses escape codes to change the font from within an instance of urxvt.


Uses escape codes to change the ansi colors from within a terminal. Follows XTerm protocol so should work with any XTerm compatible terminal. Tested to work with the following terminals:

  • xterm
  • rxvt-unicode
  • gnome-terminal


Takes a directory as the first argument. Removes all (non '.' prefixed) symlinks in that directory. Reads a list of directories from the file .linksources in the supplied directory. Creates (same-named) links all of the immediate subdirectories of the paths in .linksources. If there is a name collision the first link created wins.

pathsearch - $PATH Search

Searches through $PATH for a supplied pattern.

pb-leecher - PhotoBucket Leecher

Downloads images from a PhotoBucket page to a specified directory ($PWD by default).

perl-pathsearch - Perl Path Search

Searches through a perl's @INC paths for a supplied pattern.

perl-incpp - Perl @INC Pretty Print

Dumps the contents of @INC. A slightly better looking version of:

perl -MData::Dumper -e 'print Dumper \@INC;'

futaba-thread-get - Futaba Image Board Thread Image Getter

Takes in a list of URLs (from CLI or from a file) to Futaba image board threads and parses out all of the posted images in the threads. Spits out the image urls or downloads them (depending on the CLI options provided).

Note Currently doesn't support .gif files on 4chan (possibly other sites too). I need to rework the regex (right now it's extracting the url from the thumbnail url, but the thumbnails for .gif files on 4chan are .jpgs... which screws things up)

tz - Timezone Displayer

Displays the timezone in a number of timezones.

xmutt - X11 Mutt (in a Terminal)

Command to make it easy to start up a terminal with mutt in it.

  • Supports rxvt/urxvt/xterm out of the box (CLI options are compatible with all three).
  • Using the -name option allows themeing specific to xmutt instances in the ~/.Xdefaults file.
  • Defaults to using xterm as the terminal, but this can be changed with the $XMUTT_TERM variable so long as the terminal supports the -title/-name/-e options.

xirssi - X11 Irssi

Irssi in a screen session (that is auto-resumed if it already exists) that is launch in an X11 terminal emulator

strip-color-codes - Color Code Stripper

Meant to be used in a string of shell pipes. Strips ANSI color codes from STDIN and prints the result to STDOUT.

nautilus-desktop-toggle - Nautilus 'Draw Desktop' Option Controller

Interfaces with Nautilus through GConf to turn the 'Draw Desktop' option on or off. Meant mostly for usage in ~/.xinitrc scripts for non-Gnome window managers/environments where a user might want to use Nautilus without the default setting of 'show_desktop = true'.

This allows the user to easily run the alternative environment side-by-side with GNOME without having to open up gconf-editor everytime environments are swapped.

sfc - Stale File Cleanup

Inspired by a post. Cleans up stale files (files that been untouched for a specified number of days). LifeHacker post:

cron-wrapper - Cron Wrapper

A wrapper script around cron-run processes that timestamps the beginning and ending of logging, as well as making sure that error output ends up in the log and in the cron email.

gvr - gVim Remote

A quick way to launch a start or connect to a common gvim session (named using the current hostname; which allows gvim to not be confused be local commands trying to connect to remotely run sessions).

incl-local-fonts - Include Local Fonts

Include local fonts in sub-directories of '~/.fonts/'. Meant to be run at
X11 login/startup, though will work at anytime during an X11 session. It's
not a permenant fix, it only makes the changes last until the end of the
current session (which is why it's best just to add it as a startup item).

cpansync - CPAN Sync Script

Inspired by :

stt - Set Term Title

Concatenates all CLI options into a single string and sets the X terminal emulater title to that string.

get-uuid-mount - Get Mount Point by UUID

Returns the mount point for a filesystem by it's UUID.

mutt-photo-mail - Mutt Photo Mailer

Takes some email options and a list of photo files. Resizes photos that are larger than a set size and launches mutt with (in mail compose mode) with the photos attached (read to write a message and send).

shredr - GNU shred recursive

A recursive shell wrapper around shred.

repo-update - Repository Update

Takes in a repository directory, and updates it.

repo-updater - Repository Updater

Takes in a manifest file, listing repositories to update. Launches repo-update on all repositories.


misc utility scripts that I've hacked together