bsamseth / qflow

Quantum Variational Monte Carlo with Neural Networks - Project repository for my master's thesis in computational physics at the University of Oslo

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.combsamseth/qflowRepository from Github https://github.combsamseth/qflow

Build Status codecov Language grade: Python Language grade: C/C++ Total alerts Lines of Code Code style: black

QFLOW - Quantum Variational Monte Carlo with Neural Networks

See the documentation pages for details regarding the qflow package.

For the accompanying master's thesis, see writing/Thesis.pdf


Quantum Variational Monte Carlo with Neural Networks - Project repository for my master's thesis in computational physics at the University of Oslo



Language:C++ 55.2%Language:Python 33.3%Language:CMake 9.1%Language:TeX 1.6%Language:Shell 0.5%Language:Makefile 0.3%