Currently this program will take in the name of a file via a command line argument and output the tests cases that you actually want run.
to run a test file:
ruby main.rb filename
to create a test file, the first line must be the command that is to be used as the base test command. Following an empty line, the rest of the lines should be a series of comma seperated values to be used in the test command.
For example:
python foobar($1,$2,$3,fnc($4)) == $5
1,2,3,4,5 1,1,1,1,1 0,9,9,4,1
then if one runs: ruby main.rb testCase1.txt
the program will generate a set of cases to be run and executed, and therefore used as tests, with each of the values in the comma seperated values section respectively replacing the dollar sign lead variable names in the command.
as of right now the tests are run but the command to be run must be a unix command and the execution is not as good as it should be because the system call method that it uses just prints out the results like it would in a shell. Ideally I would like to get the results saved into a variable rather than have it just printed out
Using it with vim: this project has very basic compatibility with vim, but is not yet a plugin. Currently everything that I have added is in my vimrc and I copied all of the code into a file in this directory.
there are two commands: :Addtest testname :Runtest testname
the first will either create or edit a test, by opening the file in a new split for you to edit.
the other will run the testing script on the given testname and output the results to a split.