bryanvaz / vue-custom-element-shadow-examples

Shadow DOM for vue-custom-element

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ShadowDOM examples for vue-custom-element

Demonstrates how ShadowDOM based WebComponents functionality should work with VueCLI 3 based projects.

This project uses vue-custom-element for WebComponent functionality, however similar principles should apply for the native web-component-wrapper.

Working example:

Run example in dev mode

yarn install
yarn watch

Note: Vuetify does not natively support ShadowDOM-based WebComponents, and therefore does not work with HMR.

Compiles and builds web component

yarn build:lib
yarn http demo


  • The built library is quite large due to Vuetify including its entire code base into the WebComponent. This is an example of how a prebuilt UI library should used a-la-cart to avoid bloat.


Shadow DOM for vue-custom-element


Language:JavaScript 42.3%Language:HTML 29.3%Language:Vue 28.3%