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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Unit 1

Day Warm Up Exercise Lectures Labs Homework
w01d1 Expectations, Culture, Success, Intro to Terminal
w01d2 Conditionals, Booleans & Loops Errors, Terminal, While loops, for loops Terminal, Booleans, Loops
w01d3 Setting Up For Success Git and Github, CSS Lesson Problem Solving Github Practice and Resume Page
w02d1 Git Pull Upstream Master Intro to Conditionals & Loops, Arrays & Iteration Loops & Conditionals, Arrays & Conditionals Arrays, Loops, & Conditionals Drills
w02d2 HTML/CSS Mockup Part 1 Functions Problem Solving w. Functions
w02d3 Scope More Problem Solving Function Drills & Oscar Mockup
w03d1 Program Design Waffles Pseudocode
w03d2 HTML/CSS Mockup Part 2 Objects, CSS Lesson Objects Lab Landscaper
w03d3 Beginner's Guide to UX Object-ception, Combining Datatypes Data Structure Drills Data Structure Drills
w04d1 Callbacks, Tips & Tricks Callbacks
w04d2 Intro to Flexbox Arrays Methods w. Callbacks Array Methos w. Callbacks Dataypes & Callbacks
w04d3 Wireframes - VSSL - Skip OOP, Classes Westworld, Classes, deck of cards Classes, Donut Adventure
w05d1 VSSL- Cont -Skip Spacebattle Spacebattle, CSS Bootstrap Intro
w05d2 DOM Intro My Hometown Spacebattle
w05d3 CSS Games jQuery Intro Three Colors jQuery Magic
w06d1 DOM Manipulation w. functions and loops Grids and Pyramids
w06d2 Supply Walkthrough Populating DOM from Data, DOM events, Listeners/Handlers Random Imager LOTR Lite
w06d3 Build a Modal Event Bubbling, Capturing Input, iteration, targets Calculator, To do List To Do List
w07d1 DOM Events in a Loop, Palette Picker Shape Clicker
w07d2 Corgi Carousel DOM Events Cont. Sketchpad Tic Tac Toe Tic Tac Toe
w07d3 CSS Animations Lesson + Flying Newspaper (extended time ~1.5 hours) AJAX, Code Organization, Project Announcement and approvals Return of Dougie and Pizza Rat (AJAX Lab)
w08d1 PROJECT 1
w08d2 PROJECT 1
w08d3 PROJECT 1 Presentations Install MongoDB Intro to Internet

Unit 2

Day Warm Up Exercise Lectures Labs Homework
w09d1 CSS Bootstrap Intro - Done Intro to the Internet and Express TV Shows
w09d2 CSS Bootstrap Practice Params & Routing Express Calculator Magic 8 Ball, Pass it Around
w09d3 Word Frequency REST: Index and Show, MVC, EJS Super Heroes, Fruits, Mars Missions Poke Express
w10d1 REST: New, Create Biscoff Bakery
w10d2 C.R.A.P. cURL, Static Assets Express CLI App Budgtr
w10d3 Recursion REST: Delete, Method Override Exobiology/Pokedex Pokedex
w11d1 MongDB Intergalatic Bounty Hunters
w11d2 Pair Programming Responsive Design Mongoose & Schemas Mongoose Vampires Hamburgers & Hotels
w11d3 Forms Express w. Mongo/Mongoose Read, Create Captain's Log Mongoose Store
w12d1 Loop the Loop! CRUD Delete, Edit, Update Captains Log Continued
w12d2 Router Captain's Log Continued Mongoose Store Cont.
w12d3 EJS Partials Sessions, Auth, Build, Project 2 Announcement, Approvals none (all day build) Kingsmen
w13d1 PROJECT 2 Heroku Mandatory Deployment Lesson
w13d2 PROJECT 2 Related Models Notes (bonus)
w13d3 PROJECT 2 Presentations Paradigm Shift SPA, MPA

Unit 3

Day Warm Up Exercise Lectures Labs Homework
w14d1 Loop the Loop Intro to React, Components Static Dashboard
w14d2 Bubble Sort State, Control Flow, .map Korilla Receipts Groceries
w14d3 100 Goblins Props, CSS/className, Lifting State, AJAX Dr. Who's Police Box, jService
w15d1 Express API Animal Shelter
w15d2 Happy Fun Ball Express API cont. Animal Shelter Bookmarks
w15d3 Project Management MERN Stack Animal Shelter Bookmarks cont.
w16d2 Pairing
w16d3 Vowel in a word
w17d1 Project 3
w17d2 Project 3
w17d3 Project 3 Presentations

Unit 4

Day Warm Up Exercise Lectures Labs Homework
w17d2 Install Ruby, Rails, Postgres
w17d3 Intro to Ruby, Ruby Blocks, Enumerables Look at the differences Ruby Basics
w18d1 CS - Intro to Algorithms CS - Big O Ruby Method, User Input, Class Ruby Drills Ruby Blackjack
w18d2 SQL Basics Computers and Televisions
w18d3 Advanced SQL Airports Carmen, NFL
w19d1 SQL Zoo CS - Recursion CS - Intro to sorting Intro to Rails API Migrations, Q&A Glitch in the Matrix
w19d2 Rails Controllers Books App
w19d3 Ruby Reps Rails Controllers continued Books app cont Tweetr
w20d1 Public Holiday
w20d2 Rails Scaffold, Create React App, CORS
w20d3 Intro to Regular Expressions Rails Scaffold, Create React App, CORS QandA, Deployment Dating App
w21d1 CS - Basic Sorting Algo CS - Divide and Conquer Sorting Algo One to Many Data Modeling, Stock Prices Products and Reviews
w21d2 Many to Many Through
w21d3 Heroku Deployment
w22d1 Final Projects
w22d2 Final Projects
w22d3 Final Projects
w23d1 Final Projects
w23d2 Final Projects
w23d3 Final Projects
w24d1 Final Projects
w24d2 Final Projects
w24d3 Final Projects
w25d1 **Final Project Presentations & Graduation **

CS Warm Up Exercises List

Computer Science
CS - Intro to Algorithms
CS - Big O
CS - Recursion
CS - Intro to sorting
CS - Basic Sorting Algo
CS - Divide and Conquer Sorting Algo
CS - Distribution Sort
CS - Search Algo - binary search iterative
CS - Intro to Data Structures
CS - Stacks and Queues
CS - Hash Tables 1
CS - Hash Tables 2
CS - Binary Trees 1
CS - Binary Trees 2
CS - Graphs

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1. All software code is licensed under GNU GPLv3. For commercial use or alternative licensing, please contact




Language:JavaScript 76.0%Language:PLpgSQL 6.6%Language:TSQL 5.5%Language:Ruby 5.1%Language:HTML 4.6%Language:CSS 2.1%Language:Shell 0.1%