bryancalisto / job-bomb-getonboard

Get On Board 2021 hackathon project - This app's purpose is to present job offers in real time kiosk-mode screens in specific venues like universities, engineering societies, etc.

Repository from Github https://github.combryancalisto/job-bomb-getonboardRepository from Github https://github.combryancalisto/job-bomb-getonboard

Job Bomb

This app is aimed to be used in universities or any other place where potential employees may be. The idea behind it is simple: Give people a job search engine that allows them to search jobs based on keywords that they speak aloud and make it a publicity barrier for jobs in a public venue.

How to run it:

Install Node >12.0 and npm, Go to 'frontend' directory, run 'npm i' and 'npm start'.

User guide

The app will listen voice commands and act accordingly. To make a search, just clear the current search criteria (explained below) and tell the keywords you want the job offers to be associated with.


  • Clear: Clears the current search criteria.
  • Show [number]: Displays a QR code that contains the link to the job offer referenced by it's '#' column.
  • Close: Closes the previously displayed QR code.


Get On Board 2021 hackathon project - This app's purpose is to present job offers in real time kiosk-mode screens in specific venues like universities, engineering societies, etc.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 76.3%Language:CSS 13.7%Language:HTML 10.0%