bruz / hotframeworks

Web framework popularity rankings

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Pulls statistics about web frameworks daily. It uses an unusual approach with a Clojure web app that doesn't serve traffic directly, but instead is queried by a scheduled job that uploads the HTML and assets to an S3 bucket.




git clone
cd hotframeworks

# Assuming no database password
createdb hotframeworks
psql hotframeworks < database/schema.sql

cp .lein-env.example .lein-env

Modify the configuration in .lein-env. AWS credentials are only necessary for publishing to S3.

Loading schema.sql only provides the database schema. In order to import statistics for some actual frameworks, adding some records to the languages and frameworks tables is required.

Import statistics from GitHub and Stack Overflow:

lein repl

In the REPL:

(require '[hotframeworks.models.statistic-set :as stats])

Run the web app to test it locally:

lein ring server

Pull statistics and publish to S3

lein run


Web framework popularity rankings


Language:Clojure 95.3%Language:JavaScript 3.1%Language:CSS 1.6%