brunoruas2 / latex2wp

Tool for converting LaTeX-prepared documents to Wordpress-ready HTML

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How to install

You need python 3.6+. You can install latex2wp using pip:

pip install git+

How to use

Use template/post-template.tex as a starting point, writing your text between the \begin{document} and \end{document}. In the directory of your tex file, do

latex2wp yourlatexfile.tex.

This will produce a file called yourlatexfile.html, which is ready to be cut and pasted into WordPress. Pure HTML can be produced by adding the --html option.

For more information, try

latex2wp --help.

What works and what doesn't

See the file latex2wp/test/resources/example.tex to see how to import figures, have text appear in different colors, have links to URLs, and enter the "more" command of WordPress.

Anything between \iftex...\fi is compiled in LaTeX but ignored in the conversion to WordPress; anything between \ifblog...\fi is converted to WordPress but ignored by LaTeX. Anything between \iffalse...\fi is ignored by both.

There is very limited support for macros. All macros must be defined with \def, they must have no arguments, they must be independent, and they must appear outside the main \begin{document}...\end{document} block.

Several theorem-like numbered environments are supported, such as theorem, lemma, proposition, conjecture, remark, corollary, example, and exercise. In addition, there is the proof environment.

You can use the inline math environment $...$ and the displayed math environments $$...$$, \[...\], \begin{equation}...\end{equation}. WordPress has some limitations to the kind of latex equations it can display. As a consequence, align and eqnarray are not supported. You can, however, use eqnarray*, and you can use array inside a math environment.

The tabular environment works.

The reference commands \label{}, \eqref{}, and \ref{} work in the standard way.

There is no support for \medskip, \bigskip and other such formatting commands. The return command \\ is recognized.

\section, \section*, \subsection and \subsection* are supported, but not \subsubsection and so on.

There is no support for bibliographic references or footnotes.

How to customize

The file latex2wp/ can be easily modified to add to add new theorem-like environments or change their numbering conventions, or to change the typesetting design of theorem-like environments and other details. To do this you will need to clone the git repo, and pip install your local version by doing pip install . in your checkout.

For example, suppose you want to change the formatting of theorem-like environments. The string beginthm specifies what to do at the beginning of a theorem-like environment. In the string, _ThmType_ will be replaced by the type of theorem (e.g. Theorem, or Lemma, or Corollary, etc.) and _ThmNumb_ will be replaced by the theorem number. So the standard setting

beginthm= "\n<blockquote><b>_ThmType_ _ThmNumb_</b> <em>"

will start a blockquote environment, write in boldface something like "Theorem 3", and then start an emphasized environment. beginnamedthm specifies what to do at the beginning of a theorem-like environment declared by something like

\begin{theorem}[Fundamental Theorem of Calculus]...

the string _ThmName_ holds the content of the text in square brackets in the original LaTeX. endthm specifies what to do at the end of a theorem-like environment.

Please contribute!

If you do make changes that you think would be useful to other people, please contribute! Github makes contributing easy. If you need any help just get in touch.


Version 1.0, 2018-09-30

  • Migrate project to github
  • Migrate to Python 3
  • Enable installation by pip
  • Package up and add commandline entrypoint latex2wp

Version 0.6.2, 2009-05-06

  • Additional support for accented characters
  • Convert '>' and '<' to HTML codes
  • Changed to handling of & and % in math mode to reflect different WordPress treatment of them

Version 0.6.1, 2009-02-23

  • Simplified format of (by Radu Grigore)
  • Allow nesting of font styles such as \bf and \em (by Radu Grigore)
  • Allow escaped symbols such as $ in math mode
  • LaTeX macros are correctly "tokenized"
  • Support eqnarray* environment

Version 0.6, 2009-02-21 - First release


Tool for converting LaTeX-prepared documents to Wordpress-ready HTML

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 56.3%Language:TeX 25.9%Language:HTML 17.8%