brunogama / pihole-stubby-dockerized

Run Pihole + Stubby together and encrypt outgoing DNS requests from your home network.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


An easy way to run Pihole in your local network with stubby as the upstream DNS provider. Stubby itself uses DNS over TLS which ensures that DNS queries leaving your home network will be encrypted.

Network Diagram

To run the application,just clone the repository, change the admin password for pihole in the docker-compose.yml file and run docker-compose

git clone pihole-stubby-dockerized pihole-dockerapp
cd pihole-dockerapp
docker-compose up -d

Default stubby.yml is configured to use four DNSoTLS Providers (2 Cloudfare IP's and 2 Quad9 IP's) in a roundrobin manner. To change this or any other behavior, refer DNSPrivacy's stubby documentation:

To reconfigure the pihole container, refer:

Wireshark/tcpdump of a sample query

pihole --(clearText DNS request)--> Stubby --(encrypted request)--> CloudFare DNS --(encrypted response)--> Stubby --(cleartext Response)--> pihole

Sample DNS Request


Run Pihole + Stubby together and encrypt outgoing DNS requests from your home network.