brunocrt / pubsub-function

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Simple Google Cloud Message Publisher Function using Java 11

This is a simple demo using GCP Serverless Function that publisher a message to a PubSub Topic

Before you test

Set the environment variable with your project ID set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=service-account.json set GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT=pacific-diode-316600 set PUBSUB_TOPIC_NAME=projects/pacific-diode-316600/topics/mytopic

To Test it localy run

mvn function:run

To deploy it to GCP

gcloud functions deploy PublisherFunction --entry-point me.brunocrt.gcp.functions.PublisherFunction --runtime java11 --trigger-http --memory 128MB --allow-unauthenticated

To Check the function details

gcloud functions describe PublisherFunction

To check the logs

gcloud functions logs read PublisherFunction



Language:Java 100.0%