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Memphis is a next-generation alternative to traditional message brokers.
A simple, robust, and durable cloud-native message broker wrapped with
an entire ecosystem that enables cost-effective, fast, and reliable development of modern queue-based use cases.
Memphis enables the building of modern queue-based applications that require
large volumes of streamed and enriched data, modern protocols, zero ops, rapid development,
extreme cost reduction, and a significantly lower amount of dev time for data-oriented developers and data engineers.
After installing and running memphis broker,
In your project's directory:
go get
import ""
c, err := memphis.Connect("<memphis-host>",
"<application type username>",
It is possible to pass connection configuration parameters, as function-parameters.
// function params
c, err := memphis.Connect("<memphis-host>",
"<application type username>",
// for TLS connection:
memphis.Tls("<cert-client.pem>", "<key-client.pem>", "<rootCA.pem>"),
Once connected, all features offered by Memphis are available.
To disconnect from Memphis, call Close() on the Memphis connection object.
Stations can be created from Conn
Passing optional parameters using functions
If a station already exists nothing happens, the new configuration will not be applied
s0, err = c.CreateStation("<station-name>")
s1, err = c.CreateStation("<station-name>",
memphis.IdempotencyWindow(<time.Duration>), // defaults to 2 minutes
memphis.SendPoisonMsgToDls(<bool>), // defaults to true
memphis.SendSchemaFailedMsgToDls(<bool>), // defaults to true
memphis.TieredStorageEnabled(<bool>) // defaults to false
Memphis currently supports the following types of retention:
The above means that every message persists for the value set in the retention value field (in seconds).
The above means that after the maximum number of saved messages (set in retention value)
has been reached, the oldest messages will be deleted.
The above means that after maximum number of saved bytes (set in retention value)
has been reached, the oldest messages will be deleted.
The retention values
are directly related to the retention types
mentioned above,
where the values vary according to the type of retention chosen.
All retention values are of type int
but with different representations as follows:
is represented in seconds, memphis.Messages
in a number of messages
and finally memphis.Bytes
in a number of bytes.
After these limits are reached oldest messages will be deleted.
Memphis currently supports the following types of messages storage:
The above means that messages persist on disk.
The above means that messages persist on the main memory.
Destroying a station will remove all its resources (including producers and consumers).
err := s.Destroy();
err := conn.AttachSchema("<schema-name>", "<station-name>")
err := conn.DetachSchema("<station-name>")
The most common client operations are producing messages and consuming messages.
Messages are published to a station and consumed from it
by creating a consumer and calling its Consume function with a message handler callback function.
Consumers are pull-based and consume all the messages in a station
unless you are using a consumers group,
in which case messages are spread across all members in this group.
Memphis messages are payload agnostic. Payloads are byte slices, i.e []byte.
In order to stop receiving messages, you have to call consumer.StopConsume()
The consumer will terminate regardless of whether there are messages in flight for the client.
// from a Conn
p0, err := c.CreateProducer(
// from a Station
p1, err := s.CreateProducer("<producer-name>")
Without creating a producer (receiver function of the connection struct). In cases where extra performance is needed the recommended way is to create a producer first and produce messages by using the produce receiver function of it
c.Produce("station_name_c_produce", "producer_name_a", []byte("Hey There!"), []memphis.ProducerOpt{}, []memphis.ProduceOpt{})
Creating a producer first (receiver function of the producer struct).
p.Produce("<message in []byte or map[string]interface{}/[]byte or protoreflect.ProtoMessage or map[string]interface{}(schema validated station - protobuf)/struct with json tags or map[string]interface{} or interface{}(schema validated station - json schema) or []byte/string (schema validated station - graphql schema)>", memphis.AckWaitSec(15)) // defaults to 15 seconds
hdrs := memphis.Headers{}
err := hdrs.Add("key", "value")
"<message in []byte or map[string]interface{}/[]byte or protoreflect.ProtoMessage or map[string]interface{}(schema validated station - protobuf)/struct with json tags or map[string]interface{} or interface{}(schema validated station - json schema) or []byte/string (schema validated station - graphql schema)>",
memphis.MsgHeaders(hdrs) // defaults to empty
Meaning your application won't wait for broker acknowledgement - use only in case you are tolerant for data loss
"<message in []byte or map[string]interface{}/[]byte or protoreflect.ProtoMessage or map[string]interface{}(schema validated station - protobuf)/struct with json tags or map[string]interface{} or interface{}(schema validated station - json schema) or []byte/string (schema validated station - graphql schema)>",
Stations are idempotent by default for 2 minutes (can be configured), Idempotency achieved by adding a message id
"<message in []byte or map[string]interface{}/[]byte or protoreflect.ProtoMessage or map[string]interface{}(schema validated station - protobuf)/struct with json tags or map[string]interface{} or interface{}(schema validated station - json schema) or []byte/string (schema validated station - graphql schema)>",
// creation from a Station
consumer0, err = s.CreateConsumer("<consumer-name>",
memphis.ConsumerGroup("<consumer-group>"), // defaults to consumer name
memphis.PullInterval(<pull interval time.Duration), // defaults to 1 second
memphis.BatchSize(<batch-size> int), // defaults to 10
memphis.BatchMaxWaitTime(<time.Duration>), // defaults to 5 seconds, has to be at least 1 ms
memphis.MaxAckTime(<time.Duration>), // defaults to 30 sec
memphis.MaxMsgDeliveries(<int>), // defaults to 10
memphis.ConsumerErrorHandler(func(*Consumer, error){})
memphis.StartConsumeFromSeq(<uint64>)// start consuming from a specific sequence. defaults to 1
memphis.LastMessages(<int64>)// consume the last N messages, defaults to -1 (all messages in the station)
// creation from a Conn
consumer1, err = c.CreateConsumer("<station-name>", "<consumer-name>", ...)
ctx := context.Background()
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, "key", "value")
First, create a callback function that receives a slice of pointers to memphis.Msg
and an error.
Then, pass this callback into consumer.Consume
The consumer will try to fetch messages every pullInterval
(that was given in Consumer's creation) and call the defined message handler.
func handler(msgs []*memphis.Msg, err error, ctx context.Context) {
if err != nil {
m := msgs[0]
msgs, err := conn.FetchMessages("<station-name>", "<consumer-name>",
memphis.FetchBatchSize(<int>) // defaults to 10
memphis.FetchConsumerGroup("<consumer-group>"), // defaults to consumer name
memphis.FetchBatchMaxWaitTime(<time.Duration>), // defaults to 5 seconds, has to be at least 1 ms
memphis.FetchMaxAckTime(<time.Duration>), // defaults to 30 sec
memphis.FetchMaxMsgDeliveries(<int>), // defaults to 10
memphis.FetchConsumerErrorHandler(func(*Consumer, error){})
memphis.FetchStartConsumeFromSeq(<uint64>)// start consuming from a specific sequence. defaults to 1
memphis.FetchLastMessages(<int64>)// consume the last N messages, defaults to -1 (all messages in the station))
msgs, err := consumer.Fetch(<batch-size> int)
Acknowledging a message indicates to the Memphis server to not
re-send the same message again to the same consumer or consumers group.
Get headers per message
headers := msg.GetHeaders()
Get message sequence number
sequenceNumber, err := msg.GetSequenceNumber()