bruinxiong / embodied-generalist

Official code repository for 3D embodied generalist agent LEO

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An Embodied Generalist Agent in 3D World

LEO Teaser

We introduce LEO, an embodied multi-modal generalist agent capable of grounding, reasoning, chatting, planning, and acting in the 3D world. LEO is trained in a two-stage scheme: (i) 3D vision-language (VL) alignment and (ii) 3D vision-language-action (VLA) instruction tuning.

We meticulously collect extensive diverse data for training LEO. indicates the task contains our generated data. See Task and Data for details. We show the data statistics as below:

Dataset Task 2D required? 3D assets #data
LEO-align object captioning Objaverse 660k
object referring ScanNet + 3RScan 354k
scene captioning 3RScan 20k
LEO-instruct 3D captioning ScanNet 37k
3D QA ScanNet + 3RScan 83k
3D dialogue 3RScan 11k
task planning 3RScan 14k
navigation MP3D 60k
manipulation CLIPort 300k


[2024.03] We release the code, data and model weights. The embodied AI (EAI) tasks (navigation and manipulation) need further organization and will be released soon.

[2024.01] We release a Huggingface interactive demo. Chat with LEO and enjoy yourself.

Get Started

  1. Clone Github repo.
git clone
cd embodied-generalist
  1. Create conda environment and install dependencies.
conda create -n leo python=3.9
conda activate leo

# install PyTorch, take our version for example
conda install pytorch==1.12.1 torchvision==0.13.1 torchaudio==0.12.1 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch

# install other dependencies with pip
pip install -r requirements.txt

# install peft separately to escape its install_requires
pip install peft==0.5.0 --no-deps
  1. Install third party libraries (for point cloud backbones).
cd model

# default PointNet++
cd pointnetpp
python install
cd ..

# optional: PointNext (if you want to substitute the default PointNet++)
cd pointnext/cpp/pointnet2_batch
python install
cd ../../../

cd ..
# sanity check
python -c 'from model.pointnetpp.pointnetpp import PointNetPP'
# for PointNext, run 'from model.pointnext.pointnext import PointNext'
  1. Go through task and data, model weights, and you are ready to run.

Task and Data

Data preparation. The data includes two components: scan data and language annotations.

  • Scan data. To simplify the preparation and save storage, we streamline the scan data (point clouds and instance segments), which is less than 10G yet already sufficient for experiments on LEO. You can download the compressed files from the links below and arrange the data according to the illustration of scan data structure.
# scan data structure

├── ${scannet_base}
    ├── scan_data
    │   └── pcd_with_global_alignment
    │       ├── ${scene_id}.pth
    └── mask
        ├── ${scene_id}.mask.npz

├── ${rscan_base}
    └── 3RScan-ours-align
        ├── ${scene_id}
            ├── pcd-align.pth
            └── inst_to_label.pth

├── ${cap3d_root}
    ├── Cap3D_pcs_pt
    │   ├── ${obj_id}.pt
    └── Cap3D_automated_Objaverse_no3Dword.csv   # included in annotations
  • Language annotations. The annotations are categorized into two parts according to the training stage. We provide a compressed file that wraps up all the annotations, which should be organized in the following structure:
# annotations structure

├── ${alignment_base}
    ├── obj_caption -> ${cap3d_root}
    │   ├── Cap3D_pcs_pt
    │   │   ├── ${obj_id}.pt
    │   └── Cap3D_automated_Objaverse_no3Dword.csv
    ├── obj_scene_caption
    │   ├── 3rscan_prompted.json
    │   ├── 3rscan_scanscribe.json
    │   ├── scannet_referit3d_nr3d.jsonl
    │   └── scannet_referit3d_sr3d+.jsonl
    └── scene_caption
        └── 3rscan_scene_cap_prompted.json

├── ${instruction_base}
    ├── scan2cap
    │   ├── scannet_scanrefer.jsonl
    │   ├── scannetv2_train.txt
    │   ├── scannetv2_val.txt
    │   └── scanrefer_corpus.pth
    ├── scanqa
    │   ├── ScanQA_v1.0_train.json
    │   └── ScanQA_v1.0_val.json
    ├── sqa3d
    │   ├── v1_balanced_questions_train_scannetv2.json
    │   ├── v1_balanced_questions_val_scannetv2.json
    │   ├── v1_balanced_questions_test_scannetv2.json
    │   ├── v1_balanced_sqa_annotations_train_scannetv2.json
    │   ├── v1_balanced_sqa_annotations_val_scannetv2.json
    │   └── v1_balanced_sqa_annotations_test_scannetv2.json
    ├── 3rscanqa
    │   └── 3rscan_qa_prompted_aug.json
    ├── dialogue
    │   └── 3rscan_dialog_prompted.json
    └── planning
        └── 3rscan_plan_prompted.json

Data configurations. After data preparation, check configs/data/default.yaml to update the paths, including scan_family_base, rscan_base, alignment_base and instruction_base.

Dataloaders. The implementation of dataset per task lies in data/, where LeoMix aggregates various datasets as the training dataset.

Model Weights

Pretrained weights to load.

  • LLM: Vicuna-7B. We use Vicuna v1.1 from FastChat, which you can refer to for the access of Vicuna-13B or more advanced versions. Remember to update cfg_path in configs/llm/*.yaml.
  • Point cloud backbone: PointNet++, PointBERT. We have not tried PointNext, but everything is ready except the pretrained weights. Remember to update path in configs/vision3d/backbone/*.yaml.

Instruction-tuned LEO weights. Coming soon.


The training pipeline is elaborated in trainer/ Make sure the config file configs/default.yaml is properly set up before running.

  • General setup. We use wandb as the default experiment logger. Remember to modify logger.entity to your account and init the wandb. Modify name, note, and base_dir for proper experiment output.
  • Model. The components of LeoAgent can be configured in configs/llm, configs/vision2d and configs/vision3d.
  • Task. You can configure the tasks by specifying a yaml in configs/task. You can also run new tasks by creating similar configs.

We prepare some running scripts in scripts/, covering train_align, train_tuning, and test. The core is to run with proper arguments. There are three launch modes:

# python launch
python --mode python --config configs/default.yaml <HYDRA_CONFIG>

# accelerate launch
python --mode accelerate --config configs/default.yaml <HYDRA_CONFIG>

# SLURM submitit launch, default
python --mode submitit --config configs/default.yaml <HYDRA_CONFIG>

# for example, run alignment with submitit
python --mode submitit \
                 --config configs/default.yaml \
                 --name leo_tuning \ # job name
                 --qos lv0b \   # QoS
                 --time 48 \   # job execution duration (hour)
                 --num_nodes 1 \
                 --partition HGX \   # node type
                 --gpu_per_node 4 \
                 --mem_per_gpu 100 \   # memory per GPU
                 --port 2050 \
                 task=align \   # hydra: cfg.task, select task
                 note=align_lora \   # hydra: cfg.note, for exp_dir

For more arguments, use python --help. Refer to SLURM submitit or Accelerate for more information.


We manually modify some methods of accelerate.Accelerator in common/, including gather_for_metrics (fix gathering non-tensor objects), get_state_dict (for saving only learnable parameters when calling save_state), and prepare_scheduler (fix behavior with gradient accumulation).


  title={An Embodied Generalist Agent in 3D World},
  author={Huang, Jiangyong and Yong, Silong and Ma, Xiaojian and Linghu, Xiongkun and Li, Puhao and Wang, Yan and Li, Qing and Zhu, Song-Chun and Jia, Baoxiong and Huang, Siyuan},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.12871},


Official code repository for 3D embodied generalist agent LEO

License:MIT License


Language:Python 85.6%Language:Cuda 8.0%Language:C++ 4.5%Language:Shell 1.1%Language:C 0.8%