bruceleong / Saturday-Help-Tickets

FS Saturday Help Ticket Sessions

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

npm init npm i body-parser morgan nodemon express sequelize pg --save json - set up start post-man: body - raw - json(application/json)

Requirements: Create MD File (Utilize Volleyball) app.js

List of requirements

Express - Using models and routes Defining Models

Run npm test and start working through 1)models tests, then 2) routes test

Student Model: First Name -String -Do not allow Null value Last Name -String -Do not allow Null value Email -String -Do not allow Null value -Validate data is in fact email Hook -Before validate, capitalize first letter in first name and last name values

Instance Methods: getTests -Finds all tests associated with particular student getInitials -Returns students initials

Test Model: subject -String -Do not allow Null value grade -String -Do not allow Null value

Class Methods: passing -Returns all tests with grade above 70 findByType -Returns all tests for a particular subject

Student Routes: W-Get all students, send back instance of students along with status of 200 W-update a student W-delete student,

Test Routes: W-Get all tests, send back instance of students along with status of 200 W-Get all tests with passing grades, send back status 200 along with instances of passing tests W-Get all tests in a particular subject W-Get test by id, set status as 201 and return instance of test W-Post a new test, use route indicating the id of the student that took the test, create new test and associate / place the studentId on the table with the tst W-Delete test


FS Saturday Help Ticket Sessions


Language:JavaScript 100.0%