brucechu / heroku-deploy

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Heroku Deploy War/Jar Build Status

This project is a Heroku toolbelt plugin for deploying WAR files. It can also be used to deploy executable JAR files.

If you are using Maven, see also the Heroku Maven plugin, a more robust method of WAR file deployment.


You will require the following:

Getting started

1. Make sure Java 7 or higher is installed

Run the following command to confirm:

$ java -version
java version "1.7.0_51"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_51-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.51-b03, mixed mode)

2. Install the heroku-deploy CLI plugin

Use the following command to install the heroku-deploy plugin:

heroku plugins:install

Note: If you have a previous version of Heroku client, please ensure you update to the latest version. You should have ver 2.24.0 of the Heroku command line. To verify your version, type the following command:

 $ heroku version


 C:\> heroku version

3. Create a Heroku application

Use the following command to create a new application on Heroku

heroku create

4. Create a WAR file

You can use any method to generate a WAR file. You can use maven,ant or simply export your application from your IDE as a WAR file.

The only requirement is that the WAR file is a standard Java web application and adheres to the standard web application structure and conventions.

5. Deploy your WAR

In order to deploy your WAR use the following command:

$ heroku deploy:war --war <path_to_war_file> --app <app_name>
Uploading my-app.war....
---> Packaging application...
    - app: my-app
    - including: webapp-runner.jar
    - including: my-app.war
---> Creating build...
    - file: slug.tgz
    - size: 1MB
---> Uploading build...
    - success
---> Deploying...
remote: -----> Fetching custom tar buildpack... done
remote: -----> JVM Common app detected
remote: -----> Installing OpenJDK 1.8... done
remote: -----> Discovering process types
remote:        Procfile declares types -> web
remote: -----> Compressing... done, 50.3MB
remote: -----> Launching... done, v5
remote: deployed to Heroku
---> Done

If you are in an application directory, you can use the following command instead::

heroku deploy:war --war <path_to_war_file>

6. View your app on Heroku

Use the following command to open the application on the browser:

heroku open

Executable JAR Files

You can also use this tool to deploy executable JAR files. To do so, run a command like this:

$ heroku deploy:jar --jar <path_to_jar> --app <appname>

Available options include:

 -j, --jar FILE         # jar or war to deploy
 -v, --jdk VERSION      # 7 or 8. defaults to 8
 -o, --options OPTS     # options passed to the jar file
 -i, --includes FILES   # list of files to include in the slug


You can configure how the WAR file executes on the server by setting the WEBAPP_RUNNER_OPTS configuration variable on your application. For example, you might set the following option:

$ heroku config:set WEBAPP_RUNNER_OPTS="--uri-encoding=UTF-8"

The heroku-deploy plugin uses Tomcat Webapp Runner as a container for the WAR file. Thus, all Webapp Runner options are available to the app. A full list options is described in the Webapp Runner documentation.

You can also configure the underlying JVM that runs the Tomcat container by setting the JAVA_OPTS configuration variable. For example, you set the following option:

$ heroku config:set JAVA_OPTS="-Xss512k"

However, the Heroku platform will select a good set of defaults for you.



Language:Ruby 94.3%Language:Shell 5.7%