bruceadams / query-rds-data

Query AWS RDS Data from the command line

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Query AWS RDS Data from the command line

Build Status Contributor Covenant Apache License Github Release



Prebuilt binaries for several platforms are available under Github releases.

On macOS, the prebuilt binary can be installed using Homebrew.

$ brew tap bruceadams/utilities
$ brew install query-rds-data

If you have the Rust tool chain installed, cargo install query-rds-data will work.


This project is written in Rust. The way to install Rust is from Once Rust is installed on your machine, running cargo build in the root of this checkout should just work and produces a debug binary in target/debug/query-rds-data.

Built-in help

$ cargo build  # The first build takes longer, with more output
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.22s
$ target/debug/query-rds-data --help
query-rds-data 2.0.1
Query AWS RDS Data from the command line

    query-rds-data [OPTIONS] <QUERY>

    <QUERY>    SQL query

    -c, --db-cluster-identifier <CLUSTER_ID>
            RDS cluster identifier [env: AWS_RDS_CLUSTER=]

    -d, --database <DATABASE>
            Database name [env: AWS_RDS_DATABASE=]

    -f, --format <FORMAT>
            Output format [default: csv] [possible values: csv, json]

    -h, --help
            Print help information

    -p, --profile <PROFILE>
            AWS source profile to use. This name references an entry
            in ~/.aws/config [env: AWS_PROFILE=]

    -r, --region <REGION>
            AWS region to target [env: AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=] [default:

    -u, --db-user-identifier <USER_ID>
            RDS user identifier (really the AWS secret identifier)
            [env: AWS_RDS_USER=]

    -v, --verbose
            Increase logging verbosity (-v, -vv, -vvv, etc)

    -V, --version
            Print version information

Error messages

I hope that the error messages from query-rds-data are helpful for figuring out what went wrong and how to address the issue.

# No RDS instances exist
$ query-rds-data "select * from db1.names"
Error: No DBs found
$ query-rds-data "select * from db1.names" --db-cluster-identifier nope
Error: No DB matched "nope", available ids are []

# Single RDS instance exists
$ query-rds-data "select * from db1.names" --db-cluster-identifier nope
Error: No DB matched "nope", available ids are ["demo"]

# No credentials in AWS Secrets Manager
$ query-rds-data "select * from db1.names"
Error: No DB user secrets found
$ query-rds-data "select * from db1.names" --db-user-identifier fake
Error: No DB user matched "fake", available users are []

# Single secret exists for this database
$ query-rds-data "create database db1"
$ query-rds-data "create table db1.names (id int, name varchar(64))"
$ query-rds-data "insert into db1.names values (1,'Bruce')"
$ query-rds-data "select * from db1.names"
$ query-rds-data "select * from information_schema.tables where table_schema='db1'"
def,db1,names,BASE TABLE,InnoDB,10,Compact,0,0,16384,0,0,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,latin1_swedish_ci,NULL,,

# Explicit cluster and user names can be used
$ query-rds-data "select * from db1.names" --db-cluster-identifier demo
$ query-rds-data "select * from db1.names" --db-user-identifier admin
$ query-rds-data "select * from db1.names" --db-cluster-identifier demo --db-user-identifier admin

# Names that are not found list what is available to be selected
$ query-rds-data "select * from db1.names" --db-cluster-identifier nope
Error: No DB matched "nope", available ids are ["demo"]
$ query-rds-data "select * from db1.names" --db-user-identifier fake
Error: No DB user matched "fake", available users are ["admin"]

# If there are multiple clusters or users available, you must select one
$ query-rds-data "select * from db1.names"
Error: Multiple DBs found, please specify one of ["demo", "empty"]
$ query-rds-data "select * from db1.names" --db-cluster-identifier demo
Error: Multiple DB users found, please specify one of ["admin", "read_only"]
$ query-rds-data "select * from db1.names"  --db-cluster-identifier demo --db-user-identifier read_only


Query AWS RDS Data from the command line

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Rust 100.0%