bruceadams / j9experiment

Example: Watson Developer Cloud-Java SDK with unreleased okhttp

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Example: Watson Developer Cloud-Java SDK with unreleased okhttp

What makes this experiment interesting is wanting to test if the Watson Developer Cloud-Java SDK works correctly on recent IBM Java with this square/okhttp#3173 fix in place in

Building okhttp

Build portions of the master branch of okhttp, installing the built artifacts into your local Maven repository.

git clone
( cd okhttp/okhttp ; mvn install -DskipTests=true )
( cd okhttp/okhttp-logging-interceptor ; mvn install -DskipTests=true )
( cd okhttp/okhttp-urlconnection ; mvn install -DskipTests=true )

Once you have builds of these okhttp modules available locally, you can build and run this example code.

Building this example

mvn package
java -jar target/j9experiment-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar username password

Even if you do not have a username and password for Watson Text to Speech, this example will indicate if the basic HTTPS connection works. The following error means the HTTPS connection was successful, which is goal of this code, even though the login to Watson Text to Speech failed.

SEVERE: GET, status: 401, error: Not Authorized


Example: Watson Developer Cloud-Java SDK with unreleased okhttp


Language:Java 100.0%