browny / create-gce-by-n-ways

Different ways for interacting with Google Cloud Platform

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Create Compute Engine Instances in N ways

Note: You need to replace the variables enclosed by <> (e.g. <YOUR_PROJECT_ID>, <SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY>), NOT just copy and paste

Prerequisites: Create service accounts with compute.instanceAdmin.v1 role, download the JSON key file created by Cloud Console

N ways

  1. Cloud Console

  2. Cloud Shell

    # no need to authenticate gcloud, it has been authed by default
    gcloud config list
    # get command from Equivalent command line
    gcloud compute instances create vm-by-cloud-shell --zone=asia-east1-b --machine-type=f1-micro
  3. API Explorer

    # use Equivalent REST
  4. Local Shell

    # run an environment with gcloud SDK
    docker pull google/cloud-sdk:latest
    docker run -ti google/cloud-sdk:latest bash
    # authentication and set project
    gcloud auth login
    gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID
    gcloud config list
    # create compute engine instance
    gcloud compute instances create vm-by-localhost --zone=asia-east1-b --machine-type=f1-micro
  5. Curl

    # run an environment with gcloud SDK and mount demo files under /lab directory
    docker pull google/cloud-sdk:latest
    docker run -v `pwd`:/lab -ti google/cloud-sdk:latest bash
    # authentication (user account or service account, choose one)
    # user account
    gcloud auth login 
    # service account (recommended)
    gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file <SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY>
    # prepare API request body
    sed "s/PROJECT_ID/$PROJECT_ID/" /lab/vm.json > /lab/tmp.json
    # create compute engine instance
    curl -X POST \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer "$(gcloud auth print-access-token) \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
     --data @/lab/tmp.json \$PROJECT_ID/zones/asia-east1-b/instances
    # get operation (use the operation ID returned from above response)
    curl -H "Authorization: Bearer "$(gcloud auth print-access-token) \$PROJECT_ID/zones/asia-east1-b/operations/<operation_id>
    # image label detection (ML APIs NOT support user account) 
    curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer "$(gcloud auth print-access-token) \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \ -d @/lab/request.json 
  6. Client library (Golang)

    # create service accounts with `compute.instanceAdmin.v1` role, download the JSON key file
    created by Cloud Console
    # run an environment with golang runtime and mount demo files under /lab directory (read only)
    docker pull golang:latest
    docker run -v `pwd`:/lab -ti golang:latest bash
    # prepare API request body (replace PROJECT_ID with your project ID)
    sed "s/PROJECT_ID/$PROJECT_ID/" /lab/vm.json > /lab/tmp.json
    # build command
    cd /lab/go
    # (optional) go mod vendor
    go build -v -mod=vendor
    # run command
    ./govm $PROJECT_ID /lab/tmp.json
  7. Deployment Manager

    # run an environment with gcloud SDK and mount demo files under /lab directory
    docker pull google/cloud-sdk:latest
    docker run -v `pwd`:/lab -ti google/cloud-sdk:latest bash
    # authentication and set project
    gcloud auth login
    gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID
    gcloud config list
    # prepare deployment manager config
    sed "s/PROJECT_ID/$PROJECT_ID/" /lab/vm.yaml > /lab/tmp.yaml
    cat /lab/tmp.yaml
    # optional
    gcloud services list --available
    # apply deployment manager config
    gcloud services enable
    (optional) gcloud deployment-manager deployments delete dpm-single-vm
    gcloud deployment-manager deployments create dpm-single-vm --config /lab/tmp.yaml


Different ways for interacting with Google Cloud Platform


Language:Go 100.0%