brotkrueml / twig-codehighlight

Twig extension for code highlighting using highlight.php

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Twig extension for code highlighting

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This package provides a Twig extension for server-side code highlighting. Under the hood, the scrivo/highlight.php package is used which does the hard work. You can use every theme provided for highlight.js.

An addition to the highlighting of code this Twig extension provides additional (opinionated) features:

This package is in beta phase! You can use it already, but API might change.


Add the extension to the Twig environment:

$twig->addExtension(new Brotkrueml\TwigCodeHighlight\Extension());

Use it in Twig templates:

{{ "<?php echo 'test'; ?>" | codehighlight("php") }}

If the language is not available, a raw code block is displayed.

It is also possible to inject a logger that implements \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface to display warnings when a given language is not available, either via dependency injection or manually:

$twig->addExtension(new Brotkrueml\TwigCodeHighlight\Extension($myLogger));

You can also use named arguments, the example above can be also written like:

{{ "<?php echo 'test'; ?>" | codehighlight(language="php") }}

This will render something like this:

<pre><code class="hljs php"><span class="hljs-meta">&lt;?php</span> <span class="hljs-keyword">echo</span> <span class="hljs-string">"test"</span>; <span class="hljs-meta">?&gt;</span></code></pre>

Language aliases

When you have already an existing application with languages named alternatively than highlight.php provides them, you can assign an array of language aliases when instantiating the extension class:

$twig->addExtension(new Brotkrueml\TwigCodeHighlight\Extension(languageAliases: ['text' => 'plaintext', 'sh' => 'shell']));

In this example, we introduce text as an alias for plaintext and sh for shell.

Additional languages

Sometimes you have the need to add languages which are not shipped by the scrivo/highlight.php package. You can add one or more custom languages:

$twig->addExtension(new Brotkrueml\TwigCodeHighlight\Extension(
    additionalLanguages: [
        ['custom_language', '/path/to/the/custom_language.json'],
        ['another_language', '/path/to/the/another_language.json', true],

The array consists of the following values:

  • The language ID (here: custom_language and another_language) - required
  • The full path to the language (here: /path/to/the/custom_language.json and /path/to/the/another_language.json) - required
  • Should this language override a provided one (default: false, set to true if it should override) - optional

Line numbers

By default, no line numbers are displayed. You can switch them one by setting the second argument:

Use it in Twig templates:

{{ "<?php echo 'test'; ?>" | codehighlight(language="php", showLineNumbers=true) }}

Line numbers start with 1, but can also give a custom start number with another argument:

{{ "<?php echo 'test'; ?>" | codehighlight(language="php", showLineNumbers=true, startWithLineNumber=11) }}

This adds a <span data-line-number="x">...</span> to each line, where x is the increasing line number.

You can then use a CSS rule to display the line number, for example:

code [data-line-number]::before {
    content: attr(data-line-number);
    display: inline-block;
    margin-right: 1em;
    text-align: right;
    width: 2ch;

Emphasize lines

You can emphasize lines which highlights one or more lines in a code snippet.

Use it in Twig templates:

{{ code | codehighlight(language="php", emphasizeLines="1-3,5") }}

This example emphasizes the lines 1,2,3 and 5.

This adds a <span data-emphasize-line>...</span> to each line which should be emphasized.

You can then use a custom CSS rule to highlight the line, for example:

code [data-emphasize-line] {
    background: lightcyan;


There are two ways to set or more classes to the <pre> tag:

  1. To set the classes in an application use the classes constructor argument when instantiating the Twig extension:

    $twig->addExtension(new Brotkrueml\TwigCodeHighlight\Extension(classes: 'some-default-class'));

    Which results in the following HTML code:

    <pre class="some-default-class">...</pre>
  2. You can add one or more additional classes to the <pre> tag for a special code block:

    {{ some text | codehighlight(language="plaintext", classes="some-special-class another-special-class") }}

    Which results in the following HTML code:

    <pre class="some-special-class another-special-class"><code class="hljs plaintext">some text</code></pre>

Using both variants together results in the following HTML code:

<pre class="some-default-class some-special-class another-special-class"><code class="hljs plaintext">some text</code></pre>

List of available languages

Sometimes it can be useful to provide a list of available languages. The function codehighlight_languages() is available to output such a list:

{% for language in codehighlight_languages() %}
    <li>{{ language }}</li>
{% endfor %}


Twig extension for code highlighting using highlight.php

License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:PHP 98.6%Language:Makefile 1.4%