A package to generalize and simplify working with different types of geophysical/oceanographical/meterological data. The package allows for analysis and presentation of data from different sources in a unified way and provides a number of functions for this. The package requires some work to when first setup, both by editing the config file and most likely adding modules/classes.
The structure is as follows:
A class represents a specific dataset. A module contains all classes from the same source. They are normally setup in the same format.
- (Edit config file and add modules/classes.)
- sudo python setup.py install # global installation
- python setup.py install --user # installation for current user
Define a project in one of the following files:
./njord.cfg ~/.njord.cfg /path/to/package/njord.cfg
basedir: /projData
datadir: %(basedir)s/rutgers/CORAL/
gridfile: %(datadir)s/coral_grd.nc
map_region: indthr
imt: 1281
jmt: 641
>>> from njord import rutgers
>>> #Create a grid instance
>>> mp = rutgers.Coral('handle')
>>> #Load u-velociites
>>> mp.load('u')