bromaniac / snuffle

Daniel J Bernstein's crypto system snuffle

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This code is archived here for historical purposes.

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Snuffle has been superceded by Salsa20/Snuffle 2005:

Original usenet post:

snuffle - generic hash-based encryption and decryption programs

snuffle and unsnuffle turn any good one-way hash function (such as Merkle's Snefru) into a reasonably fast private-key encryption method. You must have Snefru, or something providing the same Hash512() interface, for snuffle and unsnuffle to work. Past that, snuffle and unsnuffle should be perfectly portable.

On this Sun 4, snuffle and unsnuffle encrypt between two and three times slower than crypt(1). However, they provide a lot more security.

snuffle is public domain. Send any comments to the newsgroup sci.crypt, which the author reads whenever possible. I do not know whether snuffle is legally exportable; it contains no encryption technology, but I'm not going to try sending it outside the United States.

Start by making symbolic links or copies of snefru's hash512.o, sboxes.o, snefru.h, and patchlevel.h in this directory. Then edit the options in the Makefile and compile. Read and you're off.


Daniel J Bernstein's crypto system snuffle


Language:Shell 65.9%Language:C 30.4%Language:Roff 2.5%Language:Makefile 1.2%