brodriguez8774 / cis237assignment5

Assignment 5 Database work with the Beverage database

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Assignment 5 - Update the Assignment 1 with Wines to use a database instead of a CSV



Either modify what I have in my Asignment1 key, which is included here, or bring in your files and use that to do the work.

You are going to take the Assignment 1 we did with the Wine List .CSV and update it to work with a database in place of the CSV. In addition, the UI must be updated to accomodate some new fields for a Wine Item.

The program should continually run until the user decides to exit (entering a certain character on the keyboard).

The program should allow the following functionality:

  1. Loads the information about the Wines (Beverages) from the database. This achived by making the connection to the database.
  2. Allow the user to print the entire list of items.
  3. Allow the user to search for an item by the item id, and print out the item if found. Error message if not. This can be done with either Find, or Where.
  4. Allow the user to add a new wine item to the list. It should show a nice error message if the user tries to add a wine witha primary id that is already in the DB.
  5. Allow the user to update an existing wine item.
  6. Allow the user to delete an existing wine item. It should show a nice error if the delete can not complete.

Replace the class called WineItem with an Entity Framework Model based on the data in the database. We will do an example of this in class.

Replace the WineItemCollection class with an Entity Framework collection based on the data in the database. We will do an example of this in class.

Update the class called User Interface to include any new methods that are required to facilitate the above funcitonality.

CSVProcessor can either be removed or left. It will not be used though.

The old WineItem and WineItemCollection can be removed if desired since the Entity Framework versions will be used instead.

To connect to the database you will use the following information.

Sever address / name:,443 //Remember that the comma denotes that the port number follows.

Sql Server Authentication (Not Windows Auth):

Username: FirstInial + LastName (All lowercase) (ie. John Smith would be jsmith)

Password: password (If you would like me to change your password to something else for you, I can)

DatabaseName: Beverage + FirstInital + LastName

*NOTE: There is a database for each person. Use the one that is for you. Don't be a troll. If I hear about you trolling on someone elses database, you will get a zero for the assignment!

Solution Requirements:

  • 4 classes (Main, Beverage (EF Version), Beverages (EF Version), and UserInterface. The names can differ, and might due to database names and EF setup.)
  • EntityFramework Model and Collection
  • Read functionality
  • Insert functionality
  • Update functionality
  • Delete functionality
  • UI Class to handle I/O


Outside Resources Used

Known Problems, Issues, And/Or Errors in the Program

I think it works. Probably. I was in a rush and this is by far my sloppiest coded/least tested program in a while. Base functionality /should/ be there though.


Assignment 5 Database work with the Beverage database


Language:C# 100.0%