broadinstitute / ml4h

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

fix display of MRI images in plot_mri_tensor_as_animation

deflaux opened this issue · comments

When using matplotlib 3.4 instead of 3.3 or older, the images displayed by ml4h.visualization_tools.hd5_mri_plots.plot_mri_tensor_as_animation display one after another instead of replacing the prior image. (The animation is no longer an animation.)

This appears to be due to

Update the usage of matplot lib to correctly replace the images.

Acceptance Criteria
It appears as an animation again.

Note that %matplotlib notebook instead of %matplotlib inline sorta fixes it on Jupyter, but not on JupyterLab.

Testing on newer Docker images for both Terra (e.g., #469) and GCP Notebooks fixes the issue.

So this was not due to a behavior change in matplotlib 3.4, but due to some bug fixed in a more recent Python package version.