Network Utility for Active Recon
A very basic network utility for active recon in LAN, the recipe it's simple: an arp-scan sauce with a pinch of portscan and a squeeze of os-guessing full of doubt. The recipe leaves something to be desired but the result it's edible.
The code born as educational purpose only. Data extraction in csv for later use because i'm mad.
Don't judge me.
It's simple, but it could be more, like NOT existing.
L. :
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fE : ,,, .,,
, @brmk
Network Utility for Active Recon
usage: [-h] -n NETWORK -i INTERFACE -o OUTPUT [-p portlist] [-name] [-os] [-pnd] [-in input_file]
A simple-network-recon tool that enumerates endpoints and define open-ports, for now.
optional arguments:
-h, --help - show this help message and exit
-n NETWORK, --network NETWORK - choose a network IP/MASK
-i INTERFACE, --interface INTERFACE - interface used for network recon
-o output_file, --output output_file - define an output file .csv
-name, - allow hostname detection [only win*]
-os - try to guess remote operating system
-p PORTSCAN, --portscan PORTSCAN - define a port list to perform a scan ex: 53,88,80,8080
-pnd, --paranoid - use a random sleeping time for each packet sent
-in input_file , --input input_file - import a csv file in format
Simple endpoint enumeration in LAN: -n -i eth1 -o inventory.csv
Portscan, hostname detection and os-guessing: -n -i eth1 -o inventory.csv -p 80,443,8080,445,139,135 -os -name
Add only newest endpoint on LAN: -n -i eth1 -o inventory.csv -in alredy_identified.csv
Yes, you need something.
pip3 install scapy
inbtscan -> inspiration for retrieving hostname from Windows OS