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Javascript library for the Decentralized Knowledge Graph.

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Javascript library for interaction with the OriginTrail Decentralized Knowledge Graph

The official OriginTrail documentation for v6 can be found here.

Intro - What is a Decentralized Knowledge Graph (DKG)

There are many available definitions of a knowledge graph, therefore we will present a simplified one focused on usability, rather than completeness. The purpose of this introduction is not to be a comprehensive guide for knowledge graphs, however it aims to get you started with the basics.

A knowledge graph (KG) is a network of entities — physical & digital objects, events or concepts — illustrating the relationship between them (aka a semantic network). KGs are used by major companies such as Amazon, Google, Uber, IBM etc for various applications: search, data integration, knowledge reasoning, recommendation engines, analytics, machine learning and AI etc.

Key characteristics of knowledge graphs:

  • focus on data connections as "first class citizens" (linked data)
  • designed to ingest data from multiple sources, usually in different formats
  • flexible data model, easily extendable

Common knowledge graphs however are deployed within the domain of one organization and are designed to capture knowledge from various sources both from within and outside of the organization.

We define decentralized knowledge graph (DKG) as a global shared knowledge graph that is designed to benefit organizations and individuals by providing a common infrastructure for data exchange. The DKG:

  • Enables Dapps with search, integration, analytics, AI and ML capabilities for any data source: blockchains, IPFS, enterprise systems, web services, personal devices
  • Removes central authorities (decentralized infrastructure)
  • Enables permissionless PUBLISH and QUERY (public network)
  • Decentralized identity & Verifiable Credentials based access control (references private data)

The OriginTrail DKG Architecture

The OriginTrail Decentralized Network implements the DKG according to the OriginTrail protocol.

It is:

  • a permissionless network - anyone can run OriginTrail nodes
  • a multi-chain data exchange network - connects to several blockchains (currently Ethereum and xDai with more integrations upcoming such as with Polkadot)
  • designed for off-chain data exchange using standardized data models (GS1 & W3C standards and recommendations)
  • public open source software
  • infrastructure for knowledge marketplaces & tenders - more info here

More information is available on the OriginTrail website, official documentation and blog.

DKG Client library

This library provides an interface into the OriginTrail Decentralized Knowledge Graph, enabling:

  • creating & updating assets on the public DKG
  • network and local querying of information based on topics and identifiers
  • verifying the integrity of queried data

Documentation & Usage

Start here: official DKGv6 documentation

Learn more

More information can be found on the official DKGv6 documentation, website and Github.

Get in touch

Get in touch with the OriginTrail tech community through Discord.



Javascript library for the Decentralized Knowledge Graph.


Language:JavaScript 100.0%