briskets / SharpUnhooker

C# Based Universal API Unhooker

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


C# Based Universal API Unhooker - Automatically Unhook API Hives (ntdll.dll, kernel32.dll, advapi32.dll, and kernelbase.dll). SharpUnhooker helps you to evades user-land monitoring done by AVs and/or EDRs by cleansing/refreshing API DLLs that loaded on the process. There is 3 technique of API hooking that i know, Inline/hot-patch hooking, IAT hooking, and EAT hooking. For now, SharpUnhooker only unhooks inline/hot-patch hooks and EAT hooks. The SilentUnhooker/Unhooker function unhooks inline/hot-patch hooks from DLLs, and the EATCleansing function unhooks EAT hooks. This tool is inspired by this article.This tool also included with AMSI and ETW patcher to break/disable them.

This tool is tested on Windows 10 v20H2 x64


  • If you want to copy the code,Pls dont change/remove the banner,or atleast dont forget to credit me
  • If you want to see a good demonstration of SharpUnhooker,go check this blog post by Reigada
  • Github dont like my Sublime indentation settings so dont roast me pls


Simply load the pre-compiled DLL or add the code function and call the Main function from the SharpUnhooker class. You can load the pre-compiled DLL on Powershell with Reflection.Assembly too! This code uses C# 5,so it can be compiled with the built-in CSC from Windows 10. If you want to only unhook single API DLL, you can call the SilentUnhooker/Unhooker and the EATCleansing function.You might want to use the SilentUnhooker function instead of the Unhooker for stealth reasons. You can use the EATCleansing function cleanse the export address table of an API DLL. If you want to test the capability of SharpUnhooker, you can use the UsageExample function from SUUsageExample class. Its just a simple local shellcode injector.

SharpUnhooker's Main function in action!


To-Do List

  • Add ability to unhook IAT hooks


C# Based Universal API Unhooker


Language:C# 100.0%