brijq / firestore_algolia_flutter_cloud_function

Firestore Full Text Search with Algolia with Flutter Client App

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Firestore Full Text Search with Algolia, Cloud Functions, and Flutter Client App

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Using Firestore as Database with Full Text Search capability using Algolia and Google Cloud Functions, included Flutter Client App. Everytime data is inserted, updated, and deleted in firestore database, a function will be invoked and update the index in Algolia. The Client app will use Algolia SDK to query the data in the front end mobile app.


Algolia Account( Firebase Account( Flutter SDK ( Firebase SDK (npm install -g firebase-tools)

Getting Started

  • Register Algolia Free Account, Get APP ID, ADMIN KEY, and CLIENT KEY
  • Register for Firebase and create new project, set account to Blaze plan
  • Initialize Firebase project in directory using SDK
  • Download Service Account JSON for firebase project, rename to serviceAccount.json put in project root path
  • Retrieve Firebase URL and go to functions/src/firestore_import_data.ts and paste it initializeApp
  • Retrieve Algolia APP ID and ADMIN KEY and go to functions/src/index.ts and paste in algolia initialization
  • Retrieve Algolia APP ID and CLIENT KEY and go to algolia_search_flutter/libs/algolia_service.dart and paste the file in algolia initialization
  • Go to functions folder and run npm install
  • Go to root path and run firebase deploy --only functions to develop your functions trigger that will start indexing to algolia whenever data is inserted, updated, and deleted in your firestore db
  • Run npm run import to begin importing stub data from data.json to your firestore db
  • Check your firestore console and algolia console to see all the data successfully imported
  • Run the Flutter app in algolia_search_flutter


Firestore Full Text Search with Algolia with Flutter Client App


Language:Dart 62.4%Language:TypeScript 23.8%Language:Objective-C 9.2%Language:Java 4.6%