brianvarskonst / csgo-config

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Config

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Credibil187 Config

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Config

How to use


Navigate with your shell (bash or windows command prompt/power shell) to this Directory:

\\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\{USER_ID}\730\local\cfg

Replace \\ with your Volume where you installed CSGO, for example: C:\

Then you can just run git clone or download and extract the downloaded zip.

Start Parameters

+exec autoexec.cfg -novid -freq "240" -nojoy -fullscreen -high -language english -window -noborder -w 1280 -h 960 +cl_forcepreload 1 -limitvsconst -forcenovsync +r_dynamic 0 +mat_disable_fancy_blending 1


Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Config