briantward / oneiro

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Two kubernetes/OpenShift jobs to sleep your applications at night (hopefully not in production) so they can have sweet dreams and save you money.

Tag all your namespaces with this specific label:

oc label namespace team-c sleep-at-night=yes

Then you can run this job once or create a CronJob from it:

idle-job.yaml : This Job uses oc idle to put your application to sleep by looking up the service and adding an annotation. When you hit the external Route you will wake it up. Use this if you know nobody will be hitting the service at all during the sleep period you want. Note that if you scale up manually without hitting the external Route, then your service endpoint will retain the original sleep annotation, and if you scale it down manually again, it could still wake up because that annotation remains.

scale-down-all-job.yaml : This Job simply scales down all scalable resources found. Resources will stay down regardless until you scale them back up manually.

Test it out:

Create the Monitor Job

oc create -f oneiro-namespace.yaml
oc create -f monitor-clusterrole.yaml
oc create -f sleep-monitor-sa.yaml
oc create -f sleep-monitor-crb.yaml

Create some sample apps

oc new-project team-a
oc new-project team-b
oc new-project team-c
oc label namespace team-a sleep-at-night=yes
oc label namespace team-b sleep-at-night=yes
oc label namespace team-c sleep-at-night=yes
oc new-app httpd -n team-a
oc new-app httpd -n team-b
oc new-app httpd -n team-c
oc expose svc httpd -n team-a
oc expose svc httpd -n team-b
oc expose svc httpd -n team-c
oc get pods -A | grep team

Run the Job

oc create -f scale-down-all-job.yaml


oc create -f idle-job.yaml

Check everything scaled down:

oc get pods -A | grep team

Scale em back up:

oc scale deployments --all --replicas=1 -n team-a
oc scale deployments --all --replicas=1 -n team-b
oc scale deployments --all --replicas=1 -n team-c



Language:Shell 100.0%