briantully / drupal-starter

Drupal 8 & 9 Starter with best practices

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Drupal 8 & 9 Starter

Starter repo for Drupal 8 & 9 development. This starter is an opinionated approach, with the following concepts and tools:

  1. ddev should be the only requirement, and every operation should happen inside ddev's containers. For example, one should not ever need to execute commands such as composer install from the host machine. Instead we have ddev composer install. The advantage is that we have a consistent, reproducible and shareable environment, so developers don't have to lose time over configuration of their host machine.
  2. Robo is the task manager, and is favored over bash scripts. The reason for this is that it's assumed PHP developers are more comfortable with PHP than Bash, and it provides us with easier iteration, reading and manipulating yaml files, pre-defined tasks, etc.
  3. We use Travis-CI for continuous integration. A pre-configured and working .travis.yaml is part of this repo.
  4. We use Pantheon for hosting. A ddev robo deploy:pantheon will take care of deployments. See more under "Pantheon settings" section.



ddev composer install
cp .ddev/config.local.yaml.example .ddev/config.local.yaml
ddev restart


If you had a previous installation of this repo, and have an error similar to composer [install] failed, composer command failed: failed to load any docker-compose.*y*l files in /XXX/multi-repo/.ddev: err=<nil>. stderr=

then execute the following, and re-try installation steps.

ddev rm --unlist

Theme development

By default, ddev restart compiles the theme using Robo.

On the local development environment, execute:

ddev robo theme:watch-debug

Then the modifications of the theme will be watched and compiled. The -debug suffix ensures that the CSS code remains human-readable, and includes a sourcemap.

If you just need to re-compile the theme, ddev robo theme:compile is sufficient.

The directory structure:

  • src/ - put all source stylesheets images, fonts, etc here.
  • dist/ - .gitignore-ed path where the compiled / optimized files live, the theme should refer the assets from that directory.

For theme development, it's advisable to entirely turn off caching:

Code Sniffer

ddev run_coder


For testing we use Drupal Test Traits (DTT), as it allows a very fast and convinent way of testing existing installation profiles. See the example test.

ddev phpunit

Deploy to Pantheon

After first deploy, you will want to install the site. We've noticed that it gives an error, but after cache-clear, the site can be accessed.

terminus drush <your-site>.dev -- site-install server -y --existing-config
terminus drush <your-site>.dev -- cr
terminus drush <your-site>.dev -- uli

Pantheon settings

To allow Pantheon work with composer managed sites and recognize the web directory.


First we need to allow DDEV to authenticate with terminus. This is a one time action you need to take, and it will apply for all your projects. See docs here

In short, create a Machine token and then

ddev auth pantheon <YOUR TOKEN>

Next we need to grab a local copy of the Pantheon site, and have it placed (yet git ignored) under this repository. Run this from the root directory:

git clone ssh://<long-hash> .pantheon


In case you haven't done so before, make the DDEV container aware of your ssh

ddev auth ssh

Then you can deploy with

ddev robo deploy:pantheon


Drupal 8 & 9 Starter with best practices


Language:PHP 80.4%Language:Shell 12.4%Language:HTML 4.1%Language:CSS 2.9%Language:JavaScript 0.3%