brianhsu / BeDone

BeDone -- A GTD TODO management web application.

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

BeDone GTD Web App

BeDone 是個人用來處理 TODO 待辦事項的 Web Application,使用了 David Allen 提出來的 Getting Thing Done 方法論,做為其操作流程的依據。你可以在 Demo 網站看到這東西長什麼樣子,不過因為是架在自家的電腦上面,所以不一定隨時都連得上。

他是使用 Scala 程式語言與 Lift Framework 所撰寫的,算是我的第一個 Lift 專案,所以程式碼的部份寫得不是很漂亮,而且有的地方效能有點糟……XD


  1. Java 1.6
  2. SBT (Simple Build Tool) 建置軟體
  3. MySQL 或 PostgresSQL


  1. 安裝 SBT.

  2. 從 GitHub clone 這個專案到自己的電腦上

    $ git clone --branch develop git:// BeDone 
  3. 使用 SBT 執行 org.bedone.installer.Insteller 來設定資料庫連線 / SMTP 等參數

    $ cd BeDone
    $ sbt
    [info] Loading project definition from /home/brianhsu/ss/BeDone/project
    [info] Set current project to BeDone (in build file:/home/brianhsu/ss/BeDone/)
    > run-main org.bedone.installer.Insteller
    > exit
  4. 使用 SBT 執行 org.bedone.installer.DBCreator 來建立資料庫

    $ sbt
    [info] Loading project definition from /home/brianhsu/ss/BeDone/project
    [info] Set current project to BeDone (in build file:/home/brianhsu/ss/BeDone/)
    > run-main org.bedone.installer.DBCreator
    > exit
  5. 在 SBT 中使用 container:start 啟動 Jetty 伺服器

    $ sbt
    [info] Loading project definition from /home/brianhsu/BeDone/project
    [info] Set current project to BeDone (in build file:/home/brianhsu/BeDone/)
    > container:start
  6. 瀏覽 http://localhost:8081/

BeDone GTD Web App

BeDone is a TODO management web application that follows the Getting Things Done approach. You may checked out what it looks like at demo site (It's on my home computer, so may not be available all the time).

Since this is just a personal project, so there are still lots of problem. Specifically, the performance of Next Action tab is really terrible.

It's based on Scala / Lift Webframework.


  1. Java 1.6
  2. SBT (Simple Build Tool)
  3. MySQL or PostgresSQL


  1. Install SBT.

  2. Clone this project from GitHub.

    $ git clone --branch develop git:// BeDone 
  3. Configure your BeDone MySQL / SMTP / GMail OAuth settings by the following commands:

    $ cd BeDone
    $ sbt
    [info] Loading project definition from /home/brianhsu/ss/BeDone/project
    [info] Set current project to BeDone (in build file:/home/brianhsu/ss/BeDone/)
    > run-main org.bedone.installer.Insteller
    > exit
  4. Create DB schema.

    $ sbt
    [info] Loading project definition from /home/brianhsu/ss/BeDone/project
    [info] Set current project to BeDone (in build file:/home/brianhsu/ss/BeDone/)
    > run-main org.bedone.installer.DBCreator
    > exit
  5. Run SBT, and enter container:start to start Jetty server.

    $ sbt
    [info] Loading project definition from /home/brianhsu/BeDone/project
    [info] Set current project to BeDone (in build file:/home/brianhsu/BeDone/)
    > container:start
  6. Visit http://localhost:8081/


BeDone -- A GTD TODO management web application.


Language:Scala 61.2%Language:HTML 36.7%Language:CSS 1.1%Language:Java 1.0%Language:JavaScript 0.0%