briandowns / wanbli

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A small framework for creating simple JSON REST applications using the Dictu programming language.

Wanbli aims to be as simple as possible. Responses are assumed to be JSON but if it's just a single string returned, the string is returned. Any other datatype gets JSON encoded.

Getting Started

Import the framework:

from "wanbli.du" import Wanbli;

Initialize the framework by calling the Wanbli function. It takes the listening address and port.

const wanbli = Wanbli("", 8080);

Setup a Controller

Wanbli uses classes, methods, and annotations to drive primary functionality. Wanbli will automatically take all types, including classes, and return them via JSON encoding. Strings are returned as is. The example below shows how a class can be configure to handle requests.

class ResponseData {
    var name = "";
    var age = 0;
    init(var name, var age) {}

class Widget {
    init() {
        this.dataStore = {};

    new(request) {
        this.dataStore = this.dataStore.merge(request.body);
        return [this.dataStore];

    update(request) {
        this.dataStore = this.dataStore.merge(request.body);
        return [this.dataStore];

    retrieve(request) {
        if (request.query.exists("id")) {
            const key = request.query.get("id");
            return {
                key: this.dataStore.get(key)
        return {};

    all(request) {
        return this.dataStore;

    serializedClass() {
        return ReturnData("Widget!", 99);


Wanbli comes with a number of middlewares.


Token Auth

To use token authentication on 1 or more of your endpoints, instantiate a new TokenAuth value with your preferred header value and token, and then register the middleware with Wanbli.

const tokenAuth = TokenAuth("X-Wanbli-Auth", "asdf");

To use token authentication on your endpoint, apply the @Secure("TokenAuth") annotation with the "TokenAuth" field indication the type of security for the endpoint.

retrieve(request) {


  • File Issue with details of the problem, feature request, etc.
  • Submit a pull request and include details of what problem or feature the code is solving or implementing.


License:Apache License 2.0