briandenicola / privatelink-service-demo

This repository is a demonstration of how to build a locked sandbox environment in Azure leveraging Private Link Scope

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository is a demonstration of how to build a locked sandbox environment in Azure leveraging Private Link Scope. It is currently a work in progress

Required Existing Resources and Configuration

Component Usage
Two Azure Subscriptions Application Subscription and Core Subscription
Identity granted Owner permissions over each subscription
Azure Virtual Network (Core) A subnet for Private Endpoints
Azure VPN Gateway
Azure Firewall Policy Required Rules
Private DNS Zones (attached to Core Vnet)


Component Usage
Azure Kubernetes Service Container Orchestration Runtime Platform
Azure Cosmos DB Data storage for application
Azure Key Vault Secret store
Azure Event Hubs Kafka equivalent resource in Azure
Azure Container Registry Azure Container Registry for containers
Azure Virtual Network Azure Virtual Network for all resources and private endpoints
Azure Private Link Service Exposes AKS Ingress Control back to your Azure Core

Architecture Diagram


Infrastructure Deployment

Build Environment

    vi ./infrastructure/azure.tfvars
    #firewall_policy_name                         = "bjdproxy-southcentral-policy"
    #firewall_policy_rg_name                      = "Core_Firewall_RG"
    #core_subscription                            = "43a071dd-5b86-475f-960b-59f814e4f070"
    #core_private_endpoint_virutalnetwork_rg_name = "Core_Network_RG"
    #core_private_endpoint_virutalnetwork_name    = "BJD-Core-VNet-001"
    #core_dns_rg_name                             = "Core_DNS_RG"
    #core_private_endpoint_rg_name                = "Core_PrivateEndpoints_RG"

    az login --scope #Code requires AAD permissions 
    task up

Destory Environment

    az login --scope
    task down

Application Deployment

CI/CD Overview



  1. Developer checkouts out branch in code repository using Github Codespaces.
  2. Developer updates code and develops againist a dedicated mini-cluster either in the Codespace or against AKS in Azure
  3. Developer checks in Code
  4. Azure Container Registry has a Build Task configured to monitor for code changes
  5. Azure Container Registry builds the application container
  6. Developer Updates Helm chart with new container version
  7. Flux on the Sandbox AKS cluster monitors for updates for updates to the Helm chart and deploys updated code to the cluster

Application Troubleshooting

Azure Monitor

  • Diagnostic Logging for each Azure resource will be sent to the Sandbox's Log Analtyics resource
  • AKS Cluster Insights is configured to ship node and pod utilization as well as container stdout/stderr to the Sandbox Log Analtyics resource
  • Application should include AppInsights SDK or Otel SDK to send application logs to the Sandbox's AppInsights resource
  • The environment can be updated to incldue Azure Manage Grafana and Azure Managed Prometheus

AKS Run Invoke Command

  • The Azure Cli AKS subcommand has the ability to run commands on a private AKS cluster without having direct connectivity.
  • This can be used for one-off commands including viewing logs
    task run -- "kubectl get nodes" 
    task: [run] az aks command invoke -g monkey-14304_rg -n monkey-14304-aks --command 'kubectl get nodes'
    command started at 2023-05-05 15:08:35+00:00, finished at 2023-05-05 15:08:36+00:00 with exitcode=0
    NAME                              STATUS   ROLES   AGE    VERSION
    aks-default-86141613-vmss000000   Ready    agent   134m   v1.26.3
    aks-default-86141613-vmss000001   Ready    agent   134m   v1.26.3
    aks-default-86141613-vmss000002   Ready    agent   134m   v1.26.3
    aks-default-86141613-vmss000003   Ready    agent   108m   v1.26.3
    aks-default-86141613-vmss000004   Ready    agent   64m    v1.26.3

    task run -- "kubectl get pods -n bookstore" 
    task: [run] az aks command invoke -g monkey-14304_rg -n monkey-14304-aks --command 'kubectl get pods -n bookstore'
    command started at 2023-05-05 15:09:26+00:00, finished at 2023-05-05 15:09:27+00:00 with exitcode=0
    NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    details-v1-bdb97665b-ptqn4        2/2     Running   0          106m
    productpage-v1-6f769fcbc6-qxlww   2/2     Running   0          106m
    ratings-v1-5744f4c948-ll89x       2/2     Running   0          106m
    reviews-v1-98c4d66d-m68kl         2/2     Running   0          106m
    reviews-v2-58778c5cb-4h8jp        2/2     Running   0          106m
    reviews-v3-85f56ccb56-2dtd9       2/2     Running   0          106m

    task run -- "kubectl logs todoapi-84664fcfc8-qnxpg"
    task: [run] az aks command invoke -g monkey-14304_rg -n monkey-14304-aks --command "kubectl logs todoapi-84664fcfc8-qnxpg"
    command started at 2023-05-08 17:28:15+00:00, finished at 2023-05-08 17:28:16+00:00 with exitcode=0
    info: todoapi[0]
        Application is ready to run.
    warn: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel[0]
        Overriding address(es) 'http://+:80'. Binding to endpoints defined via IConfiguration and/or UseKestrel() instead.
    info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[14]
        Now listening on:
    info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
        Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
    info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
        Hosting environment: Production
    info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
        Content root path: /app/
    info: Todos.TodoController[0]

Temporary Windows Machine

  • At times, VM resources maybe required to do deep dive troubleshooting.
  • This can be accessed through Azure Bastion
  • Native tooling can be used with Azure Bastion Standard SKU
    • az network bastion tunnel creates a secure tunnel to your VM through Bastion
    • Example: az network bastion tunnel --name gelding-36358-bastion --resource-group gelding-36358_rg --target-resource-id /subscriptions/17e5343-e92b-4c08-bf19-eb8be6c96991/resourceGroups/gelding-36358_rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/gelding-36358-vm --resource-port 22 --port 2222
    • You then can ssh into the VM with: ssh admin@ -p 2222
  • A pre-built Windows 11 VM with all required tooling and Subsystem for Linux installed
    • This repository contains all Windows and Linux tools that I use
    • Shared Image Gallery with Packer is a great way to build the image template to be used. Another example repository


This repository is a demonstration of how to build a locked sandbox environment in Azure leveraging Private Link Scope

License:MIT License


Language:HCL 99.3%Language:Shell 0.7%