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I am currently working on a Flutter-based cross-platform note-taking and (personal) knowledge management application. Note-taking and knowledge management is a crowded space. My contribution, however, to the plethora of approaches and applications in this space is based on topic maps and Contextualise, respectively.

I ask everyone to support the people of Ukraine who are being invaded by Russia. Donate now.

My latest blog post is Three.js Development in 2023.

I contribute to and maintain Contextualise, TopicDB and a couple of other open source projects. I also have several published Python packages on PyPI. Expect many of my projects to be related to knowledge graph-based applications combined with procedural generation together with 2D and 3D visualization systems.

Technologies I enjoy working with, include:

  • Flutter building mobile, web, and desktop applications from a single codebase
  • Topic maps describing knowledge structures and associating them with information resources
  • Python programming language
  • Flask web framework
  • FastAPI web framework for building APIs
  • Blender 3D creation suite
  • Three.js JavaScript 3D library

Contextualise Experiments

Knowledge Graph-based Content Management

Combining labeled property graphs with Contextualise, a topic maps-based content and knowledge management system.

Reveal.js-Based Knowledge Paths

Extending Contextualise to include a reveal.js-based presentation mode to supplement the existing knowledge path feature.

Mixing Art and Code to Build Engaging Web Experiences

Development of web content models, concepts, creation processes and tools: mix art and code to build interactive, engaging web experiences

Story Technologies

Storytelling With Interactive Visualisation of Semantic Events

Developing a combined Angular and Phaser-based web application —for storytelling purposes— that allows a user to navigate between a collection of narrative events. Each event has an accompanying 2.5D, isometric environment with participants and items that can be interacted with. Interactions include (but, are not limited to) displaying more information about the selected object and high-lighting a set of objects by tag. Narratives are Contextualise topic maps.

I will see you again, in the place where no shadows fall. — Ambassador Delenn, Babylon 5