brendalong / firebase-angular-starter

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Starter file for using Firebase with Angular and user login

Setup Firebase

  • Setup Firebase with project.
  • For our purposes, set rules to read and write to true.
  • Enable Authentication for Email and Google logins.
  • Add Firebase to your web app: obtain the apiKey, authDomain, and databaseURL.
  • Optional: upload some sample data via a json file.

Setup Angular Files

  • Create folder structure:
- app
    |- factories
    |- controllers
    |- app.js
    |- values
- css
- lib
    | - bower_components
    | - node_modules
    | - bower.json
    | - Gruntfile.js
    | - package.json
- partials
- sass
- index.html

Follow along and review files

  • Within lib folder, install necessary node_modules (run package.json and if necessary bower.json). Be sure to include Firebase.
  • Within values, create a FBCreds.js file with your database details: aipKey, authDomain, databaseURL.
  • Be sure to add js files to index.html (third party and app specific)
  • Add ng-app="the-name-of-your-app" to index.html

See it in Action


  • Add routing for various views. Each view will have a corresponding controller.
  • Be sure to include ng-view in the index.html
  • Create isAuth to verify user when viewing routes.
  • to obtain Firebase credentials.

Partial: navbar.html & Controller: NavCtrl.js

  • Create navbar.html partial. Add login and logout. Use ng-show based on value of isLoggedIn.
  • Create NavCtrl.
  • Use firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged to set $scope.isLoggedIn and allow the navbar to display context related links.
  • Login and Logout links will change the view (route).
  • Add search to partial (if needed) and variable in the controller.

Partial: login.html & Controller: UserCtrl.js

  • Partial displays options for login/registraion with links to functions within the controller.
  • Controller has items it runs automatically and functions that are called as needed.
  • Controller depends on AuthFactory to return promise regarding login/registration.

Factory: AuthFactory.js

  • Firebase always returns a promise.
  • Once a user registers, the login function runs automatically.



Language:JavaScript 60.9%Language:HTML 38.1%Language:CSS 1.0%