brayancruces / gitbook

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Front End Engineering Summer 2016


Welcome to the crazy land of Front End Engineering! Over twelve weeks we will cover HTML, CSS, Javascript, and more to get you ready to be a junior front end developer.

The Course From 5000ft up

  • Prework
  • Download Day
    • Setup, Shortcuts, Programs, and the Command Line
      • .editorconfig
      • Atom Plugins
  • Week 1
    • Monday
      • Git & Console
      • HTML Basics
        • Elements
        • Attributes
        • Classes
      • CSS Basics
        • Selectors
        • Properties
    • Tuesday
      • Box Sizing
        • Border Box
      • Chrome Dev Tools
      • Display
      • Floats
      • Layout Patterns
        • Double Container
    • Wednesday
      • Positioning
      • Transform
      • Breaking Down a Layout
      • Emmet Show and Tell
    • Thursday
      • Flexbox
      • Reusable Patterns
        • Media Object
  • Week 2
    • Monday
      • Basic Builds
      • SASS
        • Variables
        • Imports
      • SASS Lint
    • Tuesday
      • Media Queries
      • Pseudo Selectors
      • Pseudo Elements
    • Wednesday
      • Selector Specificity
      • BEM
      • Layout Planning
      • Reinforce Semantic Markup
    • Thursday
      • Third Party Libraries & NPM
        • Font Awesome
      • SASS Extends
        • CSS Gram
      • SASS Mixins
        • Yoga SASS
  • Week 3
    • Monday
      • JS
        • Variables
        • Maths
        • Strings
        • Arrays & Objects
        • Functions
        • if & else Blocks
        • for Blocks
    • Tuesday
      • Function Creation
        • Function Declaration vs Anonymous Functions
      • Variable Scope
      • Hoisting
      • ES2015 Classes
    • Wednesday
      • Debugging
      • DOM Elements
        • innerHTML
        • classList
    • Thursday
      • Callbacks
      • Array Functions
        • map, filter, forEach
      • Event Listeners
  • Week 4
    • Monday
      • Functional Programming
        • reduce
        • map
        • forEach
    • Tuesday
      • Babel
      • Transpilation
    • Wednesday
      • Unit Testing
    • Thursday
      • window.fetch
      • Acceptance Tests
  • Week 5
    • Monday
      • jQuery
        • Selectors
        • Traversal
        • Events
    • Tuesday
      • Site Visit
    • Wednesday
      • Application Views
    • Thursday
      • Lab
  • Week 6
    • Monday
      • Application Template
      • Application Route
      • Handlebars
    • Tuesday
      • Unit Testing
        • Filtering
        • Reducing
      • Handlebars Helpers
    • Wednesday
      • Acceptance Testing
      • Routing
      • Actions
      • input
  • Week 7
    • Ember Actions
    • Ember Template Helpers
      • Filtering
      • Logic
      • Etc
    • Ember Data
  • Week 8
    • Ember Authentication
    • Ember Testing
      • Unit Testing Helpers
      • Integration Tests
      • Acceptance Tests
  • Week 9
    • APIs
    • Review
    • Ember Opinionated



Language:Shell 59.4%Language:JavaScript 26.8%Language:HTML 13.8%