brasspetals / fm-sunnyside-landing-page

Frontend Mentor Challenge: Sunnyside Landing Page


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Frontend Mentor - Sunnyside agency landing page solution

Design preview for the Pod request access landing page coding challenge

This is a solution to the Sunnyside agency landing page challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

Table of contents


The Challenge

Users should be able to:

  • View the optimal layout for the site depending on their device's screen size
  • See hover states for all interactive elements on the page


My process

Built with

  • Svelte
  • CSS Grid
  • Keyframes animation

What I learned

I utilized a local variable in conjunction with a svelte variable to determine the color of the "underline" in the LinksUnderlined component. Not sure if this is best practice as it feels there should be a simpler way to do this, but it works! Update: Now using the method found in this Svelte REPL to implement a CSS variable for the LinksUnderlined color.

This was my first time using the svelte:window property, which I used to bind the innerWidth value to a variable. This was handy in passing another condition to the Svelte if statement that determines whether the menu in the Nav component is shown or not.

<svelte:window bind:innerWidth={width}/>
 {#if active || width >= 800}
    <ul class="menu" ...

Useful resources


Frontend Mentor Challenge: Sunnyside Landing Page


Language:Svelte 78.9%Language:JavaScript 15.2%Language:CSS 3.9%Language:HTML 2.1%