brasic / gomon

Monitor your go app!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


gomon is a package that simplifies the process of sending metrics to AWS CloudWatch. It provides a few things:

  • A registry and event loop that collects monitoring data as frequently as you like, then batches them up to be periodically delivered to AWS, minimizing API calls and cost, while preserving granularity.
  • Helper functions to aggregate and transform metric data in useful ways.
  • A few prepackaged monitors to collect basic system data like disk and memory statistics, so that you don't need to set up redundant monitoring scripts to get OS metrics in addition to application-specific ones.

How To Use


You must have a set of AWS credentials that allow the PutMetricData API call on the resources you want to create. The following IAM policy should work:

  "Statement" : [
      "Effect" : "Allow",
      "Action" : "cloudwatch:PutMetricData",
      "Resource" : "*"

Make sure these credentials are exported as environment variables at AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.

Register Emitters

Choose some metrics you want to watch, and call one of the Register* functions, passing it a method value or anonymous function that when called, returns the current value of the metric. Given a function in myapp called ConnectionCount(), to track its value 60 times per second, you would register as:

gomon.RegisterInt("CurrentConnections", 60, "Count", myapp.ConnectionCount)

or, to report on something more complicated:

currentRegisteredUsers := func() int { return currentUsers() - currentGuests() }
gomon.RegisterInt("CurrentRegisteredUsers", 60, "Count", currentRegisteredUsers)

If you have a metric which represents some sort of accumulating total, you can use DeltaSinceLastCall() to track its rate of change. For example:

processedSinceLastCall = DeltaSinceLastCall(myapp.TotalJobsProcessed)
gomon.Register("JobsProcessedPerMinute", 1, "Count", ProcessedSinceLastCall)

There's an equivalent shorthand for the above common pattern:

gomon.RegisterDelta("JobsProcessedPerMinute", 1, "Count", myapp.TotalJobsProcessed)

Enable Dimensions

Cloudwatch datapoints frequently have Dimensions attached to them to characterize the data, e.g. marking which server it came from or what application produced it. You can add dimensions that will be present in all transmitted data:

gomon.AddDimension("InstanceId", "i-31a74258")
gomon.AddDimension("ApplicationName", "MyApp")

Start Sending

After all emitters are registered, start the loop with gomon.Start().


Monitor your go app!


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