brandonpapworth / node-express-graphql-scaffold

Build a GraphQL API with Node and ES6. This can be your starter point.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Express & ES6 REST & GRAPHQL API Scaffold project

This project aims to be your starter point for your next GraphQL and REST API in NodeJS


  • Node >= 8.9 (use nvm by running nvm use)
  • PostgreSQL 10 (A docker container is provided via docker-compose)


  • Clone the repo by runing git clone node-api.
  • Navigate to the node-api folder and run yarn install.
  • Create a .env.{environment} file with your environment, by default is development so you will be creating a .env.development file based on .env.example
  • Then run docker-compose up -d to get the database container up.
  • Run yarn migrate to migrate the database
  • Run yarn dev and you will have the server running in

Production build

The project has a Dockerfile that can be used to distribute the app using docker, to build the image just run docker build -t yourvendorname/node-api:latest . and the docker image will be available to use.

If you want to run the production build locally

  • Run yarn build
  • Run node dist

Available endpoints

The scaffold comes with JWT auth by default, therefore you have a api/auth/login endpoint available to generate a JWT based on a user, please see the tests for reference.

GraphQL server

Apollo GraphQL server is already configured and ready to use, the endpoint is protected by the JWT therefore you will need to log in before using a GraphiQL client, make sure you can add the Authorization header like this

Authorization: Bearer TOKEN_HERE

All calls to the graphql server are protected by a passport JWT strategy.


To define the schema use the /src/schema.graphql file, by default a user model is already defined.


The tests are permirmed by mocha, to run them you will need to migrate the testing database which is included on the DB container.

  • Run yarn migrate-tests
  • Run yarn test

Note: If you change the password for the DB in the docker-compose file, make sure you update the .env-testing file with the new credentials.

Available yarn commands

"dev": "NODE_ENV=development nodemon src --exec babel-node",
"build": "babel src -s -D -d dist",
"start": "node dist",
"test": "NODE_ENV=testing mocha --recursive --compilers js:babel-core/register",
"sequelize": "node_modules/.bin/sequelize",
"migrate": "node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:migrate",
"migrate-tests": "NODE_ENV=testing node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:migrate",
"lint": "standard --fix --verbose | snazzy",
"prepush": "yarn lint"




Build a GraphQL API with Node and ES6. This can be your starter point.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 97.4%Language:Shell 2.6%