brandon-barker / BitcoinChecker

DataModule for Bitcoin Checker android app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bitcoin Checker is a FREE app to track the most recent prices of your favourite currency pairs (on over 30 supported exchanges) in many customizable ways (such as rich notifications, TTS voice announcements, Home and Lockscreen widget or multiple alarms).

###Hello Bitcoin Checker users!
As you know, the number of virtual currencies are increasing very fast. Currency pairs set on existing exchanges change almost every day and also there is a need to add new and new exchanges over time. We proudly announce that DataModule (containing exchanges and currency pairs) for Bitcoin Checker app is now OPEN for our users to make this application even better! This means that anyone can now:

  • Add support for new exchange
  • Update currency pairs on their favourite exchange

###Issues Please submit all requests for new exchanges/currency pairs or bugs in Bitcoin Checker apps in the Issues section.

#####Bitcoin Checker on Google Play Store:

###Donate to Bitcoin Checker project: BTC: 1KyLY5sT1Ffa6ctFPFpdL2bxhSAxNqfvMA
DOGE: D81kyZ49E132enb7ct7RcPGpjgsrN7bsd7
LTC: LZ3EiK42o5nbDW3cwiaKUptFQ9eBA3x1vw

#Introduction To start working you should fork this repo. It basically contains two projects:

  • DataModule: library project that stores information about exchanges and currencies used in Bitcoin Checker. This is the project that you will work with.
  • DataModuleTester: simple project that provides minimal interface in order to launch and test your changes - whether they work:)

The whole tutorial described below refers to the DataModule project because only this project is meant to be edited by users. After making your changes please create a pull request to the original repo.

#Updating currency pairs on existing exchange: To update currency pairs on your favourite exchange you have to find corresponding exchange class file in package.
In every exchange file there is CURRENCY_PAIRS HashMap that contains a base currency (as a key) and a list of counter currencies. Every combination of base and counter currency represents one currency pair.

CURRENCY_PAIRS.put(VirtualCurrency.LTC, new String[]{		// Base currency
		VirtualCurrency.BTC,						        // Counter currency
		Currency.USD,										// Counter currency
		Currency.RUR,										// Counter currency
		Currency.EUR										// Counter currency

This example from BTC-e represents 4 pairs: LTC/BTC, LTC/USD, LTC/RUR and LTC/EUR.

HINT: Good practise is to keep alphabetical order of base currencies (or even with counter currencies) but sometimes it's also good to mirror order from exchange site.

While adding new pairs you should use currency names from these two classes:

###Some currencies are missing? You want to add some currency pairs but one currency (or both) is missing in Currency or VirtualCurrency class?
Just just add them to Currency or VirtualCurrency class. Please put all fiat/normal currencies in Currency file and all crypto/virtual currencies in VirtualCurrency.

#Adding new exchange: ###Example: Please see example of a class that represents single exchange here - MarketExample

##1. New exchange configuration: To add support for new exchange you have to provide some constants describing that particular exchange:

  • NAME - name of exchange that will be displayed in app.
  • TTS_NAME - name of exchange that will be used in spoken announements. Sometimes it's just fine to put NAME here (see Kraken), but sometines it's better to provide more spoken friendly version (like on McxNOW - "MCX now").
  • URL - this field stores Url for Ticker API. Most often it contains some two (or one) parameters (%1$s and %2$s). These parameters will be replaces with currency names or selected currency pair. Providing URL is described in the next section.
  • CURRENCY_PAIRS - map of all currencies supported by this exchange - described later.

These constants (without URL) should be provided in default constructor:

public MarketExample() {

##2. Providing currency pairs: You have to specify which currency pairs are supported by your new exchange. Description for this is done above, in Updating currency pairs on existing exchange section.

##3. Providing API Url: API Url is provided by getUrl method. The simplest implementation is to just return URL field. Sometimes Url requires some additionsl parameters (line currency names) - then you have to provide them using String.format() method.
See examples below:

Example without parameters:
API example:
URL field:

public String getUrl(int requestId, CheckerInfo checkerInfo) {
	return URL;
Example with arguments - for given currency pair:
API example:
URL field:$s%2$s

public String getUrl(int requestId, CheckerInfo checkerInfo) {
	return String.format(URL, checkerInfo.getCurrencyBase(), checkerInfo.getCurrencyCounter());

Note that currency names are always in uppercase and some APIs requires them to be in lowercase

Example with lowercase currency parameters:
API example:
URL field:$s_%2$s

public String getUrl(int requestId, CheckerInfo checkerInfo) {
	return String.format(URL, checkerInfo.getCurrencyBaseLowerCase(), checkerInfo.getCurrencyCounterLowerCase());

###3a. Providing other parameters in URL (advanced): Sometimes there is a need to include some kind of pair ID instead of just currencies names. Please see Cryptsy as en example. There is separate CURRENCY_PAIRS_IDS map that holds pairs ids:


While providing URL we need to obtain proper ID that is associated with this pair:

Example for DOGE/BTC (id=132) on Cryptsy:
API example:
URL field:$s

public String getUrl(int requestId, CheckerInfo checkerInfo) {
	final String pairString = String.format("%1$s_%2$s", checkerInfo.getCurrencyBase(), checkerInfo.getCurrencyCounter());
		return String.format(URL, String.valueOf(CURRENCY_PAIRS_IDS.get(pairString)));	
	return URL;

##4. Parsing API response: While parsing response from exchange you have to fill fieds of Ticker object.
If API response is just in plain JSON object you can parse it in parseTickerFromJsonObject method:

protected void parseTickerFromJsonObject(int requestId, JSONObject jsonObject, Ticker ticker, CheckerInfo checkerRecord) throws Exception { = jsonObject.getDouble("bid");
  ticker.ask = jsonObject.getDouble("ask");
  ticker.vol = jsonObject.getDouble("volume");
  ticker.high = jsonObject.getDouble("high");
  ticker.low = jsonObject.getDouble("low");
  ticker.last = jsonObject.getDouble("last");
  ticker.timestamp = jsonObject.getLong("timestamp");

IMPORTANT: that the ticker.last field is obligated, all the rest of fields are optional.
NOTE: parsing timestamp field (in millis) is not required. If omitted, Bitcoin Checker would fill it with now date. If you want to parse this information please note that some exchanges provides time in different formats (like seconds or nanos) so you have to multiply or divide it to get time in millis format. You can use TimeUtils.NANOS_IN_MILLIS or TimeUtils.MILLIS_IN_SECOND constants from TimeUtils for that.

###4a. Parsing non JSONObject responses (advanced): Sometimes responses are more complicated than plain JSON, then you should use parseTicker method. The default implementation try to parse received response as a JSONObject, but you can parse also other formats by overriding this method:

protected void parseTicker(int requestId, String responseString, Ticker ticker, CheckerInfo checkerInfo) throws Exception {
	parseTickerFromJsonObject(requestId, new JSONObject(responseString), ticker, checkerInfo);

You can find examples of usage:

  • Huobi: "almost" JSON object response, there is a need to trim some characters at the begining and at the end of the response
  • MintPal: JSON array response (instead of JSON object)
  • McxNOW: XML based response

##5. Parsing error (not required): Sometimes an exchange is down but with some error message in their API (See Crypto-Trade as an example). You can also handle this situation and display error message directly from exchange to the user. There are two methods related with it and they are designed in similar way to parsing normal response:

protected String parseErrorFromJsonObject(int requestId, JSONObject jsonObject, CheckerInfo checkerInfo);

or if JSONObject is not suitable you can override following method:

protected String parseError(int requestId, String responseString, CheckerInfo checkerInfo);

##6. Enablind exchange: To enable newly created exchange you should add corresponding line at the bottom of MarketsConfig file:

static {
  addMarket(new MyNewExchangeClass());

#Advanced things ##Multiple requests per exchange: Some exchanges does not provide nice ticker api with all important information (bid, ask, vol, high, low, last), so there is a need to perform few requests (for example 2) to acquire as many information as possible.
These requests will be performed in a sequense and new price notification would appear when all of these requests are finished.
See Poloniex exchange as a good example. In order to perform 2 requests you have to override getNumOfRequests method:

public int getNumOfRequests(CheckerInfo checkerRecord) {
	return 2;

Then make use of requestId variable passed to getUrl and parseTickerFromJsonObject methods.
requestId variable is incremented from 0 to numOfRequests-1 for every new request made. From first request we are able to obtain only last price. We want to obtain also bid and ask values so we do another request for orders list:

public String getUrl(int requestId, CheckerInfo checkerInfo) {
		return URL;
		return String.format(URL_ORDERS, checkerInfo.getCurrencyCounter(), checkerInfo.getCurrencyBase()); // Reversed currencies
protected void parseTickerFromJsonObject(int requestId, JSONObject jsonObject, Ticker ticker, CheckerInfo checkerInfo) throws Exception {
	if(requestId==0) {
		ticker.last = jsonObject.getDouble(checkerInfo.getCurrencyCounter()+"_"+checkerInfo.getCurrencyBase());  // Reversed currencies
	} else { = getFirstPriceFromOrder(jsonObject, "bids");
		ticker.ask = getFirstPriceFromOrder(jsonObject, "asks");


DataModule for Bitcoin Checker android app


Language:Java 100.0%