branciard / PolkadotFrenchAmbassy

Polkadot French Ambassy to centralize regional Polkadot Ambassador initiatives and coordination

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Polkadot French Ambassy to centralize regional Polkadot Ambassador initiatives and coordination

Here a collaborative space to brainstorm, organisze schedule initiatives of polkadot ambassador candidates, ambassadors or any Polkadot supporter.

You can submit proposal on this document with Pull Request. you can also create issue to deals with some specific subject or question.

Virtual Meetups subjects proposals

  • Introduction of each members french ambassadors, candidate or Polkadot supporter ( proposed by francois )
  • Introduction of Archipel project using substrate ( proposed by francois )
  • Your project using substrate/polkadot or your subject proposal, dev, business, design idea to share. Create a Pull Request to edit.

Virtual Meetup schedules

An issue with Pools for the date will be done when subject proposals will be fill.


  • ETH denver 2021 virtual Denver : There will be a Polkadot bounty track at ETH denver 2021, we can create a team ? here the issue to decide on it.


One of the ambassador candidate has start to make french translation of the offical polkadot documentation :

You can help him, by clicking help translate and the top of the page. If help is needed to review translation, you can also use and create issue here.

Your section idea ? add a Pull Request


Polkadot French Ambassy to centralize regional Polkadot Ambassador initiatives and coordination