bradyrx / xskillscore

Metrics for verifying forecasts

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xskillscore: Metrics for verifying forecasts








xskillscore is an open source project and Python package that provides verification metrics of deterministic (and probabilistic from properscoring) forecasts with xarray.


$ conda install -c conda-forge xskillscore


$ pip install xskillscore


$ pip install git+

See also

  • If you are interested in using xskillscore for data science where you data is mostly in pandas.DataFrames's check out the xskillscore-tutorial
  • If you are interested in using xskillscore for climate prediction check out climpred.


import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import norm
import xskillscore as xs

obs = xr.DataArray(
    np.random.rand(3, 4, 5),
        xr.cftime_range("2000-01-01", "2000-01-03", freq="D"),
    dims=["time", "lat", "lon"],
fct = obs.copy()
fct.values = np.random.rand(3, 4, 5)

### Deterministic metrics
# Pearson's correlation coefficient
r = xs.pearson_r(obs, fct, "time")
# >>> r
# <xarray.DataArray (lat: 4, lon: 5)>
# array([[ 0.395493, -0.979171,  0.998584, -0.758511,  0.583867],
#       [ 0.456191,  0.992705,  0.999728, -0.209711,  0.984332],
#       [-0.738775, -0.820627,  0.190332, -0.780365,  0.27864 ],
#       [ 0.908445,  0.744518,  0.348995, -0.993572, -0.999234]])
# Coordinates:
#  * lat      (lat) int64 0 1 2 3
#  * lon      (lon) int64 0 1 2 3 4

# 2-tailed p-value of Pearson's correlation coefficient
r_p_value = xs.pearson_r_p_value(obs, fct, "time")

# R^2 (coefficient of determination) score
r2 = xr.r2(obs, fct, "time")

# Spearman's correlation coefficient
rs = xs.spearman_r(obs, fct, "time")

# 2-tailed p-value associated with Spearman's correlation coefficient
rs_p_value = xs.spearman_r_p_value(obs, fct, "time")

# Root Mean Squared Error
rmse = xs.rmse(obs, fct, "time")

# Mean Squared Error
mse = xs.mse(obs, fct, "time")

# Mean Absolute Error
mae = xs.mae(obs, fct, "time")

# Median Absolute Error
median_absolute_error = xs.median_absolute_error(obs, fct, "time")

# Mean Absolute Percentage Error
mape = xs.mape(obs, fct, "time")

# Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error
smape = xs.smape(obs, fct, "time")

# You can also specify multiple axes for deterministic metrics:
# Apply Pearson's correlation coefficient
# over the latitude and longitude dimension
r = xs.pearson_r(obs, fct, ["lat", "lon"])

# You can weight over the dimensions the function is being applied
# to by passing the argument ``weights=weight`` with a xr.DataArray
# containing the dimension(s) being reduced.
# This is a common practice when working with observations and model
# simulations of the Earth system. When working with rectilinear grids,
# one can weight the data by the cosine of the latitude, which is maximum
# at the equator and minimum at the poles (as in the below example). More
# complicated model grids tend to be accompanied by a cell area coordinate,
# which could also be passed into this function.
obs2 = xr.DataArray(
    np.random.rand(3, 180, 360),
        xr.cftime_range("2000-01-01", "2000-01-03", freq="D"),
        np.linspace(-89.5, 89.5, 180),
        np.linspace(-179.5, 179.5, 360),
    dims=["time", "lat", "lon"],
fct2 = obs2.copy()
fct2.values = np.random.rand(3, 180, 360)

# make weights as cosine of the latitude and broadcast
weights = np.cos(np.deg2rad(
_, weights = xr.broadcast(obs2, weights)
# Remove the time dimension from weights
weights = weights.isel(time=0)

# Pearson's correlation coefficient with weights
r_weighted = xs.pearson_r(obs2, fct2, ["lat", "lon"], weights=weights)
# >>> r_weighted
# <xarray.DataArray (time: 3)>
# array([0.00601718, 0.00364946, 0.00213547])
# Coordinates:
# * time     (time) datetime64[ns] 2000-01-01 2000-01-02 2000-01-03
r = xs.pearson_r(obs2, fct2, ["lat", "lon"])
# >>> r
# <xarray.DataArray (time: 3)>
# array([ 5.02325347e-03, -6.75266864e-05, -3.00668282e-03])
# Coordinates:
# * time     (time) datetime64[ns] 2000-01-01 2000-01-02 2000-01-03

# You can also pass the optional keyword `skipna=True`
# to ignore any NaNs on the input data:
obs_with_nans = obs.where( > 1)
fct_with_nans = fct.where( > 1)
mae_with_skipna = xs.mae(obs_with_nans, fct_with_nans, ['lat', 'lon'], skipna=True)
# >>> mae_with_skipna
# <xarray.DataArray (time: 3)>
# array([0.29007757, 0.29660133, 0.38978561])
# Coordinates:
# * time     (time) datetime64[ns] 2000-01-01 2000-01-02 2000-01-03
mae_with_no_skipna = xs.mae(obs_with_nans, fct_with_nans, ['lat', 'lon'])
# >>> mae_with_no_skipna
# <xarray.DataArray (time: 3)>
# array([nan, nan, nan])
# Coordinates:
# * time     (time) datetime64[ns] 2000-01-01 2000-01-02 2000-01-03

### Probabilistic
obs3 = xr.DataArray(
    np.random.rand(4, 5),
    coords=[np.arange(4), np.arange(5)],
    dims=["lat", "lon"]
fct3 = xr.DataArray(
    np.random.rand(3, 4, 5),
    coords=[np.arange(3), np.arange(4), np.arange(5)],
    dims=["member", "lat", "lon"],

# Continuous Ranked Probability Score with the ensemble distribution
crps_ensemble = xs.crps_ensemble(obs3, fct3)

# Continuous Ranked Probability Score with a Gaussian distribution
crps_gaussian = xs.crps_gaussian(obs3, fct3.mean("member"), fct3.std("member"))

# Continuous Ranked Probability Score with numerical integration
# of the normal distribution
crps_quadrature = xs.crps_quadrature(obs3, norm)

# Brier scores of an ensemble for exceeding given thresholds
threshold_brier_score = xs.threshold_brier_score(obs3, fct3, 0.7)

# Brier score
brier_score = xs.brier_score(obs3 > 0.5, (fct3 > 0.5).mean("member"))

# You can also use xskillscore as a method of your dataset:
ds = xr.Dataset()
ds["obs_var"] = obs
ds["fct_var"] = fct

# This is the equivalent of r = xs.pearson_r(obs, fct, 'time')
r = ds.xs.pearson_r("obs_var", "fct_var", "time")

# If fct is not a part of the dataset, inputting a separate
# DataArray as an argument works as well:
ds = ds.drop("fct_var")
r = ds.xs.pearson_r("obs_var", fct, "time")

What other projects leverage xskillscore?


xskillscore was orginally developed to parallelize forecast metrics of the multi-model-multi-ensemble forecasts associated with the SubX project.

We are indebted to the xarray community for their advice in getting this package started.


Metrics for verifying forecasts

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 99.7%Language:Shell 0.3%