brabeji / react-async

🍾 Flexible promise-based React data loader

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React Async
Handle promises with ease.

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React component for declarative promise resolution and data fetching. Leverages the Render Props pattern and Hooks for ultimate flexibility as well as the new Context API for ease of use. Makes it easy to handle loading and error states, without assumptions about the shape of your data or the type of request.

  • Zero dependencies
  • Works with any (native) Promise and the Fetch API
  • Choose between Render Props, Context-based helper components or the useAsync hook
  • Provides convenient isLoading, startedAt and finishedAt metadata
  • Provides cancel and reload actions
  • Automatic re-run using watch prop
  • Accepts onResolve and onReject callbacks
  • Supports abortable fetch by providing an AbortController
  • Supports optimistic updates using setData
  • Supports server-side rendering through initialValue
  • Works well in React Native too!


React Async is different in that it tries to resolve data as close as possible to where it will be used, while using a declarative syntax, using just JSX and native promises. This is in contrast to systems like Redux where you would configure any data fetching or updates on a higher (application global) level, using a special construct (actions/reducers).

React Async works really well even in larger applications with multiple or nested data dependencies. It encourages loading data on-demand and in parallel at component level instead of in bulk at the route / page level. It's entirely decoupled from your routes, so it works well in complex applications that have a dynamic routing model or don't use routes at all.

React Async is promise-based, so you can resolve anything you want, not just fetch requests.

Concurrent React and Suspense

The React team is currently working on a large rewrite called Concurrent React, previously known as "Async React". Part of this rewrite is Suspense, which is a generic way for components to suspend rendering while they load data from a cache. It can render a fallback UI while loading data, much like <Async.Loading>.

React Async has no direct relation to Concurrent React. They are conceptually close, but not the same. React Async is meant to make dealing with asynchronous business logic easier. Concurrent React will make those features have less impact on performance and usability. When Suspense lands, React Async will make full use of Suspense features. In fact you can already start using React Async right now, and in a later update you'll get Suspense features for free.


npm install --save react-async


Using render props for flexibility:

import Async from "react-async"

// Your promiseFn receives all props from Async and an AbortController instance
const loadCustomer = ({ customerId }, { signal }) =>
  fetch(`/api/customers/${customerId}`, { signal })
    .then(res => (res.ok ? res : Promise.reject(res)))
    .then(res => res.json())

const MyComponent = () => (
  <Async promiseFn={loadCustomer} customerId={1}>
    {({ data, error, isLoading }) => {
      if (isLoading) return "Loading..."
      if (error) return `Something went wrong: ${error.message}`
      if (data)
        return (
            <strong>Loaded some data:</strong>
            <pre>{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}</pre>
      return null

Using helper components (don't have to be direct children) for ease of use:

import Async from "react-async"

const loadCustomer = ({ customerId }, { signal }) =>
  fetch(`/api/customers/${customerId}`, { signal })
    .then(res => (res.ok ? res : Promise.reject(res)))
    .then(res => res.json())

const MyComponent = () => (
  <Async promiseFn={loadCustomer} customerId={1}>
      {data => (
          <strong>Loaded some data:</strong>
          <pre>{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}</pre>
    <Async.Rejected>{error => `Something went wrong: ${error.message}`}</Async.Rejected>

Creating a custom instance of Async, bound to a specific promiseFn:

import { createInstance } from "react-async"

const loadCustomer = ({ customerId }, { signal }) =>
  fetch(`/api/customers/${customerId}`, { signal })
    .then(res => (res.ok ? res : Promise.reject(res)))
    .then(res => res.json())

// createInstance takes a defaultProps object and a displayName (both optional)
const AsyncCustomer = createInstance({ promiseFn: loadCustomer }, "AsyncCustomer")

const MyComponent = () => (
  <AsyncCustomer customerId={1}>
    <AsyncCustomer.Resolved>{customer => `Hello ${}`}</AsyncCustomer.Resolved>

Similarly, this allows you to set default onResolve and onReject callbacks.

As a hook with useAsync (currently only in React v16.7.0-alpha; API is subject to change):

import { useAsync } from "react-async"

const loadCustomer = ({ customerId }, { signal }) =>
  fetch(`/api/customers/${customerId}`, { signal })
    .then(res => (res.ok ? res : Promise.reject(res)))
    .then(res => res.json())

const MyComponent = () => {
  const { data, error, isLoading } = useAsync({ promiseFn: loadCustomer, customerId: 1 })
  if (isLoading) return "Loading..."
  if (error) return `Something went wrong: ${error.message}`
  if (data)
    return (
        <strong>Loaded some data:</strong>
        <pre>{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}</pre>
  return null

Or using the shorthand version:

const MyComponent = () => {
  const { data, error, isLoading } = useAsync(loadCustomer)
  // ...

The shorthand version currently does not support passing additional props.



<Async> takes the following properties:

  • promiseFn {(props, controller) => Promise} A function that returns a promise; invoked in componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate; receives component props (object) and AbortController instance as arguments
  • deferFn {(...args, props, controller) => Promise} A function that returns a promise; invoked only by calling run(...args), with arguments being passed through, as well as component props (object) and AbortController as final arguments
  • watch {any} Watches this property through componentDidUpdate and re-runs the promiseFn when the value changes (oldValue !== newValue)
  • initialValue {any} initial state for data or error (if instance of Error); useful for server-side rendering
  • onResolve {Function} Callback function invoked when a promise resolves, receives data as argument
  • onReject {Function} Callback function invoked when a promise rejects, receives error as argument

Be aware that updating promiseFn will trigger it to cancel any pending promise and load the new promise. Passing an arrow function will cause it to change and reload on every render of the parent component. You can avoid this by defining the promiseFn value outside of the render method. If you need to pass variables to the promiseFn, pass them as additional props to <Async>, as promiseFn will be invoked with these props. Alternatively you can use memoization to avoid unnecessary updates.

Render props

<Async> provides the following render props:

  • data {any} last resolved promise value, maintained when new error arrives
  • error {Error} rejected promise reason, cleared when new data arrives
  • initialValue {any} the data or error that was provided through the initialValue prop
  • isLoading {boolean} true while a promise is pending
  • startedAt {Date} when the current/last promise was started
  • finishedAt {Date} when the last promise was resolved or rejected
  • cancel {Function} ignores the result of the currently pending promise and calls abort() on the AbortController
  • run {Function} runs the deferFn, passing any arguments provided
  • reload {Function} re-runs the promise when invoked, using the previous arguments
  • setData {Function} sets data to the passed value, unsets error and cancels any pending promise
  • setError {Function} sets error to the passed value and cancels any pending promise

useAsync (API may change until Hooks are officially released)

The useAsync hook accepts an object with the same props as <Async>. Alternatively you can use the shorthand syntax:

useAsync(promiseFn, initialValue)

Note that the useAsync API is subject to change while Hooks are not officially released.


Basic data fetching with loading indicator, error state and retry

class App extends Component {
  getSession = ({ sessionId }) => fetch(...)

  render() {
    // The promiseFn should be defined outside of render()
    return (
      <Async promiseFn={this.getSession} sessionId={123}>
        {({ data, error, isLoading, reload }) => {
          if (isLoading) {
            return <div>Loading...</div>
          if (error) {
            return (
                <button onClick={reload}>try again</button>
          if (data) {
            return <pre>{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}</pre>
          return null

Using deferFn to trigger an update (e.g. POST / PUT request)

const subscribeToNewsletter = (event, props, controller) => fetch(...)

<Async deferFn={subscribeToNewsletter}>
  {({ error, isLoading, run }) => (
    <form onSubmit={run}>
      <input type="email" name="email" />
      <button type="submit" disabled={isLoading}>
      {error && <p>{error.toString()}</p>}

Using both promiseFn and deferFn along with setData to implement optimistic updates

const updateAttendance = attend => fetch(...).then(() => attend, () => !attend)

<Async promiseFn={getAttendance} deferFn={updateAttendance}>
  {({ data: isAttending, isLoading, run, setData }) => (
      onClick={() => {

Server-side rendering using initialValue (e.g. Next.js)

static async getInitialProps() {
  // Resolve the promise server-side
  const customers = await loadCustomers()
  return { customers }

render() {
  const { customers } = this.props // injected by getInitialProps
  return (
    <Async promiseFn={loadCustomers} initialValue={customers}>
      {({ data, error, isLoading, initialValue }) => { // initialValue is passed along for convenience
        if (isLoading) {
          return <div>Loading...</div>
        if (error) {
          return <p>{error.toString()}</p>
        if (data) {
          return <pre>{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}</pre>
        return null

Helper components

React Async provides several helper components that make your JSX even more declarative. They don't have to be direct children of <Async> and you can use the same component several times.


Renders only while the promise is loading.


  • initial {boolean} Show only on initial load (data is undefined)
  • children {Function|Node} Function which receives props object or React node


<Async.Loading initial>
  <p>This text is only rendered while performing the initial load.</p>
<Async.Loading>{({ startedAt }) => `Loading since ${startedAt.toISOString()}`}</Async.Loading>


Renders only when the promise is resolved.


  • persist {boolean} Show old data while loading new data. By default it hides as soon as a new promise starts.
  • children {Function|Node} Render function which receives data and props object or just a plain React node.


<Async.Resolved persist>{data => <pre>{JSON.stringify(data)}</pre>}</Async.Resolved>
<Async.Resolved>{({ finishedAt }) => `Last updated ${startedAt.toISOString()}`}</Async.Resolved>


Renders only when the promise is rejected.


  • persist {boolean} Show old error while loading new data. By default it hides as soon as a new promise starts.
  • children {Function|Node} Render function which receives error and props object or just a plain React node.


<Async.Rejected persist>Oops.</Async.Rejected>
<Async.Rejected>{error => `Unexpected error: ${error.message}`}</Async.Rejected>


Renders only while the deferred promise is still pending (not yet run).


  • persist {boolean} Show until we have data, even while loading or when an error occurred. By default it hides as soon as the promise starts loading.
  • children {Function|Node} Function which receives props object or React node.


<Async deferFn={deferFn}>
    <p>This text is only rendered while `run` has not yet been invoked on `deferFn`.</p>
<Async.Pending persist>
  {({ error, isLoading, run }) => (
      <p>This text is only rendered while the promise has not resolved yet.</p>
      <button onClick={run} disabled={!isLoading}>
      {error && <p>{error.message}</p>}


Versions 1.x and 2.x of react-async on npm are from a different project abandoned years ago. The original author was kind enough to transfer ownership so the react-async package name could be repurposed. The first version of React Async is v3.0.0. Many thanks to Andrey Popp for handing over ownership of react-async on npm.


🍾 Flexible promise-based React data loader

License:ISC License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%