bpmore / timeline

Timeline is a fork of Cool Timeline. It adds Genesis functionality and tweaks to the timeline layout.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

=== Timeline ===
Contributors:Brent Passmore.
Tags:timelines, wp timeline,responsive timeline,timeline,time,simple timeline,timeline for WordPress, timeline responsive, Lifestream, history, time, stage, life, achievements. 
Requires at least: 3.9
Stable tag:2.0
Tested up to: 4.5
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

The Timeline plugin creates responsive vertical storyline automatically in chronological order based on the year and date of your posts.

== Description ==
Timeline is a responsive Wordpress Plugin that allows you to create beautiful vertical storyline. You simply create posts, set images and date then Timeline will automatically populate these posts in chronological order, based on the year and date. This is a fork of Cool Timeline from Narinder singh. Timeline adds Genesis functionality.

Github:- https://github.com/bpmore/timeline.git


*  	Specify Timeline Title.
*  	Set the profile image .
*	Specify the length to trim each story.
*	Hide the read more button for each story.
*	Add default content if no any story post.
*	Background Image for Timeline area.
*	Specify Story background color.
*	Specify Year circle color.
*	Specify Line color.
*	You can specify different color for story posts title.
*	Hundreds of google fonts included. Specify a different fonts for  title and content.
*	Timeline Post Title Font Size and color.
*	Set Post Content color and size.
*	Specify an image size to display for each story e.g (Full,Small) .
*	Easy to use shortcode to place the timeline wherever your heart desires ( [timeline] )
*	TinyMCE button to generate the shortcode
*	Highly extensible.
*	Responsive and mobile ready.

== Installation ==
*	Download the plugin .zip file
*	Login in to admin Click Plugins -> Add New -> Upload
*	Find Timeline  in plugin list  and activate it.
*	After activate plugin you will see Timeline Posts menu at left side on WordPress dashboard,
*	Click Add New to add story.
*	Begin populating the timeline with stories. (Note: Story will appear in chronological order according to the story date)
*	Once you have populated the timeline stories, head over to the settings page (Timeline) to customize your timeline.
*	Create a new page, and enter the shortcode [timeline] to display the your timeline (Note:Timeline displays best on full width pages)

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= How do I use this plugin? =
Begin by simply installing the plugin. Once the plugin has been installed, go ahead and begin creating stories . You will find a new menu item just below Posts. After you have a find number of stories set up, you are ready to display the timeline on the front end of your site.
Timeline displays best on full width pages, but is not limited to them. Create a new page, and drop the shortcode into the page - [timeline]. Publish your page, and view it on the front end the see your new timeline!.

== Changelog ==
= 2.0 =
* Forked plugin (Cool Timeline). Initial release.
* Added Genesis functionality.
* Tweaked code to link image and text in timeline to post.


Timeline is a fork of Cool Timeline. It adds Genesis functionality and tweaks to the timeline layout.


Language:JavaScript 57.0%Language:PHP 34.5%Language:CSS 8.5%