bplunkert / ssl-vault

Chef Cookbook to manage SSL keys, certificates & chains.

Repository from Github https://github.combplunkert/ssl-vaultRepository from Github https://github.combplunkert/ssl-vault


Manages SSL Keys, Certs and Chains using the chef-vault Cookbook, itself a wrapper for the chef-vault Gem.

SSL Keys, Certs and Chains are stored in Chef Encrypted Data Bags using Chef Vault and are only accessible to clients using their existing public keys.

More information on the Chef Vault security model can be found on Justin Timberman's Blog or Andrew Jaquith's Blog.

This Cookbook is derived from Maciej Pasternacki's ssl-key-vault Cookbook.


  1. chef-vault plugin for Knife, available as a Ruby Gem: gem install chef-vault
  2. A SSL certificate and private key.


  • node['ssl-vault']['certificates'] - List of certificates to install, as determined by the IDs of Encrypted Data Bag Items. i.e. ['example.com', 'www.example.com'] Can be set per Node, so as to limit vectors.

The following Attributes are set or unset by default, and are available for customization by you, the user:

  • ['ssl-vault']['certificate_directory'] - String name of directory into which to deposit the certificate(s) [and chain file(s)].
  • ['ssl-vault']['private_key_directory'] - String name of directory into which to deposit the private key(s) [and PEM file(s)].
  • ['ssl-vault']['private_key_file'] - String name of private key file.
  • ['ssl-vault']['data_bag_key_rex'] - Regular Expression of Data Bag Key ID(s).
  • ['ssl-vault']['data_bag_key_replacement_str'] - String replacement character for IDs that don't match data_bag_key_rex.
  • ['ssl-vault']['private_key_file'] - String name of private key file.
  • ['ssl-vault']['certificate_file'] - String name of certificate file.
  • ['ssl-vault']['pem_file'] - String name of PEM file.
  • ['ssl-vault']['combined_chain_file'] - String name of combined chain file.
  • ['ssl-vault']['combined_chain_pem_file'] - String name of combined chain PEM file.

The following Attribute overrides ['chef-vault']['version']'s Attribute:

  • ['chef-vault']['version'] - String version of chef-vault Gem to install.

Data Bag Structure

  • The encrypted data bag must be named ssl-vault.

  • The item name should be the CN of the certificate with the configured replacements applied (default replacement: underscores for dots, www_example_com).

  • The value should be a json hash with the following keys:

    • certificate: the certificate in pem format
    • key: the key in pem format
    • chain_certificates: array of intermediate ca certificates [optional]


This Cookbook provides several Recipes:

  • default.rb - Use this Recipe. Includes remaining Recipes and chef-vault Cookbook.
  • certificate_directory.rb - Creates certificate (and chain) directory.
  • certificate_file.rb - Creates certificate file.
  • combined_chain_file.rb - Creates combined chain file.
  • combined_chain_pem_file.rb - Creates combined chain PEM file.
  • pem_file.rb - Creates PEM file.
  • private_key_directory.rb - Creates private key (and PEM) directory.
  • private_key_file.rb - Creates private key file.


Include this Cookbook in your Node's Run List, along with setting the Node Attributes for the certificates and keys you wish to install, and encrypting those certificates and keys.


  1. Aquire an SSL certificate and private key file.
  2. Store the SSL certificate and private key file in an Encrypted Data Bag.
  3. Encrypt the SSL certificate and private key using Chef Vault.
  4. Include the certificate's Common Name (CN) in a Node's Attributes.


Given the SSL certificate and key file for example.com:

  1. Create a Data Bag Item containing the SSL certificate and private key:

     ruby -rjson -e 'puts JSON[Hash[Hash[*ARGV].map { |k,v| [k, File.read(v)] }]]' -- \
         certificate example.com.cert \
         key example.com.key \
         > example.com.json
  2. Encrypt the new Data Bag Item using the Client's public key:

     knife vault create ssl-vault example_com --mode client \
         --search 'QUERY' --admins '' \
         --json example.com.json
    Either add Chef server's admin API users to the `--admins`, or make
    the key otherwise accessible to yourself in future (e.g. with
  3. Add example.com to a Node's ['ssl-vault']['certificates'] Attribute:

     node['ssl-vault']['certificates'] = ['example.com']
  4. Add recipe[ssl-vault] to Node's Run List.

  5. The key will be stored in /etc/ssl/private/example.com.key, and certificate in /etc/ssl/certs/example.com.cert.



Copyright 2014 OnBeep, Inc. Portions Copyright (C) 2013 Maciej Pasternacki maciej@3ofcoins.net


The MIT License (MIT)




Chef Cookbook to manage SSL keys, certificates & chains.

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 88.0%Language:Makefile 10.3%Language:HTML 1.7%