SharprWowApi is a strongly typed .NET wrapper library for accessing and retrieving data from Blizzards WoW API.
Install using Nuget
PM> Install-Package SharprWowApi
Small example website (not maintained)
var client = WowClient(Region.Eu, Locale.en_GB, ApiKey.Value);
var achievement = await client.GetAchievementAsync(2144);
var client = new WowClient(Region.EU, Locale.en_GB, ApiKey.Value);
var characterOne = await client.GetCharacterAsync("CharacterName", CharacterOptions.None, "Realm");
var characterTwo = await client.GetCharacterAsync("CharacterName", CharacterOptions.PvP, "Realm");
You can also set realm in the WowClient and use overloaded methods if all characters you're getting are from the same realm.
client = new WowClient(Region.EU, Locale.en_GB, ApiKey.Value, "Realm");
var characterOne = await client.GetCharacterAsync("CharacterName", CharacterOptions.None);
var characterTwo = await client.GetCharacterAsync("CharacterName", CharacterOptions.None);
var characterThree = await client.GetCharacterAsync("CharacterName", CharacterOptions.None);
Can be useful if you need to retrieve more than a single field but less than all.
var options = GuildOptions.Members | GuildOptions.Challenge;
var guild = await client.GetGuildAsync("GuildName", options, "Realm");
Since some of the data returned by blizzards wow API is quite big (especially auction data & PVP leaderboard), it can be a good idea to use the async methods even though the json parsing is not async. Since it offloads the json deserialization to a new thread. (JamesNK/Newtonsoft.Json#66).
And even though the deserialization isn't async it stills downloads the json asynchronously.
var client = new WowClient(Region.EU, Locale.en_GB, ApiKey.Value);
var getAuctionFile = await client.GetAuctionFileAsync("Realm");
var someCachedValue = "...";
//Check when the auctiondata was last modified (updated)
var lm = from f in getAuctionFile.Files
select f.LastModified;
if (!lm.Equals(someCachedValue))
//await here
var getAuction = await client.GetAuctionsAsync("Realm");
var auction = getAuction.Auctions
Parallel.ForEach(auction.Take(10), a =>
A signifcant speed increase compared to a synchronous operation. It's worth noting that if you try to parse a guild with too many members (without setting how many members to take to a low enough number) and the amount of requests to the api gets too high, you will get a 403 (forbidden) error.
Both test cases used the same list of (64) members. They both Get Character (GetCharacterAsync & GetCharacter) and adds the result to a list.
var client = new ApiClientAsync(Region, Locale, apiKey)
var guild = await client.GetGuildAsync("GuildName", GuildOptions.Members);
var charc = await
int level,
int HowManyMembersToTake);
The method sorts users by level first and then takes the set amount.