bpesics / pe

πŸš€ The Pleo SRE Challenge

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



  • a GitHub Actions based workflow has been added to build and publish the Antaeus container image
    • the resulting image is available at ghcr.io/bpesics/pe:latest
    • a LABEL has been added to the Dockerfile to assign images to the forked repo
  • a docker-compose-payment.yml has been added to support testing with the new payment service
    • usage: docker-compose -f docker-compose-payment.yml up
  • added a Makefile, kustomize/ folder and an asdf .tool-versions file for deployment


Payment service

See https://github.com/bpesics/pe-payment

Deployment overview

As a good practice the project attempts to pin tool versions:

  • this is only kubectl and jq at this point
  • if you already have these installed it's not a hard prerequisite to install asdf
  • if you need to install these tools install asdf and use the provided make target: make install-asdf-tools

Kustomize (should be built into recent kubectl versions) is used for the deployment with a fairly conventional structure:

β”œβ”€β”€ base
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ antaeus
β”‚   └── payment
└── overlays
    └── testing  # let's imagine the exercise is deployed into the "testing" environemnt


From the project root:

  • observe what would be deployed: kubectl kustomize kustomize/overlays/testing/ | less
  • dry-run with client side strategy: kubectl apply -k kustomize/overlays/testing/ --dry-run=client
  • apply configuration: kubectl apply -k kustomize/overlays/testing/
    • should see something along the lines of this:
      namespace/app-antaeus created
      namespace/app-payment created
      configmap/antaeus-config-env-468bcg9db8 created
      service/antaeus created
      service/payment created
      deployment.apps/antaeus created
      deployment.apps/payment created

Testing the deployment

Observe deployment and logs:

# antaeus startup takes time
kubectl -n app-antaeus rollout status -w deployment antaeus
kubectl -n app-antaeus logs deployment.apps/antaeus -f

kubectl -n app-payment logs deployment.apps/payment -f

For in-cluster testing the command make shell-multitool is provided. Once in the shell:

  curl -i -w "\n" http://payment.app-payment:9000/health
  curl -i -w "\n" http://antaeus.app-antaeus:8000/rest/health

# count number of PAID invoices
curl -s http://antaeus.app-antaeus:8000/rest/v1/invoices | jq '[.[] | select(.status == "PAID") ] | length'

# attempt to pay invoices
curl -X POST -i -w "\n" http://antaeus.app-antaeus:8000/rest/v1/invoices/pay

# count number of PAID invoices again
curl -s http://antaeus.app-antaeus:8000/rest/v1/invoices | jq '[.[] | select(.status == "PAID") ] | length'

External access

The cluster where I did my exercise has no cloud-controller-manager. Therefore no Ingress is provided but instead a more generic NodePort type Service is configured.

If kube-proxy is not restricted to specific IP addresses (and firewall rules also allow) the service should be available on the nodes' external interfaces as well, so something like the following should work:

NODE_IP="<external ip address>"
curl http://$NODE_IP:30008/rest/health



Notes for testing Antaeus locally

curl http://localhost:8000/rest/health
curl -s http://localhost:8000/rest/v1/invoices | jq
curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/rest/v1/invoices/pay

Original README

The challenge

Pleo runs most of its infrastructure in Kubernetes. It's a bunch of microservices talking to each other and performing various tasks like verifying card transactions, moving money around, paying invoices ...

We would like to see that you both:

  • Know how to create a small microservice
  • Know how to wire it together with other services running in Kubernetes

We're providing you with a small service (Antaeus) written in Kotlin that's used to charge a monthly subscription to our customers. The trick is, this service needs to call an external payment provider to make a charge and this is where you come in.

You're expected to create a small payment microservice that Antaeus can call to pay the invoices. You can use the language of your choice. Your service should randomly succeed/fail to pay the invoice.

On top of that, we would like to see Kubernetes scripts for deploying both Antaeus and your service into the cluster. This is how we will test that the solution works.


Start by forking this repository. :)

  1. Build and test Antaeus to make sure you know how the API works. We're providing a docker-compose.yml file that should help you run the app locally.
  2. Create your own service that Antaeus will use to pay the invoices. Use the PAYMENT_PROVIDER_ENDPOINT env variable to point Antaeus to your service.
  3. Your service will be called if you invoke /rest/v1/invoices/pay call on Antaeus. You can probably figure out which call returns the current status invoices by looking at the code ;)
  4. Kubernetes: Provide deployment scripts for both Antaeus and your service. Don't forget about Service resources so we can call Antaeus from outside the cluster and check the results.
    • Bonus points if your scripts use liveness/readiness probes.
  5. Discussion bonus points: Use the README file to discuss how this setup could be improved for production environments. We're especially interested in:
    1. How would a new deployment look like for these services? What kind of tools would you use?
    2. If a developers needs to push updates to just one of the services, how can we grant that permission without allowing the same developer to deploy any other services running in K8s?
    3. How do we prevent other services running in the cluster to talk to your service. Only Antaeus should be able to do it.

How to run

If you want to run Antaeus locally, we've prepared a docker compose file that should help you do it. Just run:

docker-compose up

and the app should build and start running (after a few minutes when gradle does its job)

How we'll test the solution

  1. We will use your scripts to deploy both services to our Kubernetes cluster.
  2. Run the pay endpoint on Antaeus to try and pay the invoices using your service.
  3. Fetch all the invoices from Antaeus and confirm that roughly 50% (remember, your app should randomly fail on some of the invoices) of them will have status "PAID".


πŸš€ The Pleo SRE Challenge


Language:Kotlin 94.8%Language:Dockerfile 3.0%Language:Makefile 2.1%